Why did I bother wasting my time and effort on you ungrateful fucks. The fact that you have to be 18 to get in the door makes me think that may be some of you might be mature enough to act like adults. Oh how i was wrong
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Hey Chantel, sorry that was me who replied. I didn't realize I wasnt logged in.
I'm not trying to take sides on the matter....but I am going to play devil's advocate. (spelling?)
If Jordan is interested in a reason besides a pettion why not PM Johnson and ask?
Why do we have a Ombudsman if people need to "man-up" and say their issues face to face? WOuldnt that case more drama? "he said she said"? What if people are afraid? It can be an intimidating thing to do that to someone. We should be able to respect their privacy just like voting shouldnt we?
Why wouldnt anyone be casual/pleasent at social events? Wouldnt it be less mature to be un-cival and mean?
Isn't it less mature for Johnson to bring up the issue at a party? Specifically a "meet the baby party" Wouldnt that be unfair to Jay and Andrea? Isnt it more professional for Johnson to wait to have a private talk?
....As for anonymously whining to daddy...
Shoudlnt people have the right to remain anonymous? Isnt that was a president is for?
Once again. I am NOT taking sides. No one think that for a second. I have already voiced my concerns to Johnson. Once again, just playing Devil's Advocate.
Carefull how you play advocate, because it does sound like you are taking sides.
We have been in contact with the ombudsman, and even she hasn't been given all of the information... so I find it unlikely that Johnson would be forthcoming.
The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to make everyone play nice. The 'Bud, according to the charter, is only responsible for issues between the membership and the Executives. At best, the 'Bud is supposed to act as a mediator between two people to work their issues out relatively on their own... but this point is moot, as I think I've already said that this was gone ahead with without final consulation of the Bud.
As far as the he-said-she-said drama, it only gets worse when it's anonymous someone-said-and-we-won't-say-who... or at least more hurtful. While vouching for the other side, maybe think how it would feel if it were you.
The point of being civil in public... more or less mature, it's going to cause more drama when we do get the headcount of people who are sugary sweet to our face while stabbing Jordan in the back. It's not even just about other people's functions/social events/whatever... it's people that I know are on that list that do things like show up to Jordan's birthday party. People who, until we find out how two-faced they are, were going to be invited to our wedding. Mature or not, it's pretentious and phony. Mature or not, the lie is even more hurtful than being mean. Mature or not, it's rediculous to think that a person has a right to 'have their cake and eat it too'; to have a right to be friends while anonymously pull this kind of crap.
While you're right that J&A's party is likely not the place, Johnson could have at least said he was going to call, or something. Grab us on the front lawn on our way out.
If people have such a strong oppinion, they're only devauling themselves by being anonymous... Jordan has a right to know who his detractors are, given that this has become so public.
How important can a person's oppinion be if they're not willing to stand behind it?
Believe me I am currently not taking sides. I have voiced my opinion on how it was handled to the people it concerns.
I do not know whether or not Carly has all the information, as I am not Carly. But you do not know that Johnson will not give information unless you ask.
I have thought how it woudl feel if that happaned to me...please do not assume I have not. In fact, I have recently said if the same thing happaned to me I would probably cry, a lot. But I also specified that I would probably cry because I would feel awful and quilty that I made more than half the club feel that way about me.
As for people who are going to your parties/attendign your wedding...but voting Jordan out of the club. I have niothing to say on that matter as I am not them...and I do not know why someone would do that. It is confusing a bit.
And I do not believe being anonymous devalues oneself...heck, everythign voted on in Canada (pretty-much) is anonymous. That way the person does not feel pressured one way or another into an opinion.
Either way, I guess there is no longer a point in me playing devil's advocate. What's done is done. It was harsh, yes. Not as professional as it could have been done...but fact of the matter is, the petition has signitures...and whats done is done.
I'm not going to argue this any further as clearly we don't hold the same views on the matter... but this isn't a government election, and a petition isn't much of a petition if it's not got any names on it and nobody's seen it.
I'm not trying to take sides on the matter....but I am going to play devil's advocate. (spelling?)
If Jordan is interested in a reason besides a pettion why not PM Johnson and ask?
Why do we have a Ombudsman if people need to "man-up" and say their issues face to face? WOuldnt that case more drama? "he said she said"? What if people are afraid? It can be an intimidating thing to do that to someone. We should be able to respect their privacy just like voting shouldnt we?
Why wouldnt anyone be casual/pleasent at social events? Wouldnt it be less mature to be un-cival and mean?
Isn't it less mature for Johnson to bring up the issue at a party? Specifically a "meet the baby party" Wouldnt that be unfair to Jay and Andrea? Isnt it more professional for Johnson to wait to have a private talk?
....As for anonymously whining to daddy...
Shoudlnt people have the right to remain anonymous?
Isnt that was a president is for?
Once again. I am NOT taking sides.
No one think that for a second.
I have already voiced my concerns to Johnson.
Once again, just playing Devil's Advocate.
We have been in contact with the ombudsman, and even she hasn't been given all of the information... so I find it unlikely that Johnson would be forthcoming.
The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to make everyone play nice. The 'Bud, according to the charter, is only responsible for issues between the membership and the Executives. At best, the 'Bud is supposed to act as a mediator between two people to work their issues out relatively on their own... but this point is moot, as I think I've already said that this was gone ahead with without final consulation of the Bud.
As far as the he-said-she-said drama, it only gets worse when it's anonymous someone-said-and-we-won't-say-who... or at least more hurtful. While vouching for the other side, maybe think how it would feel if it were you.
The point of being civil in public... more or less mature, it's going to cause more drama when we do get the headcount of people who are sugary sweet to our face while stabbing Jordan in the back. It's not even just about other people's functions/social events/whatever... it's people that I know are on that list that do things like show up to Jordan's birthday party. People who, until we find out how two-faced they are, were going to be invited to our wedding. Mature or not, it's pretentious and phony. Mature or not, the lie is even more hurtful than being mean. Mature or not, it's rediculous to think that a person has a right to 'have their cake and eat it too'; to have a right to be friends while anonymously pull this kind of crap.
While you're right that J&A's party is likely not the place, Johnson could have at least said he was going to call, or something. Grab us on the front lawn on our way out.
If people have such a strong oppinion, they're only devauling themselves by being anonymous... Jordan has a right to know who his detractors are, given that this has become so public.
How important can a person's oppinion be if they're not willing to stand behind it?
I do not know whether or not Carly has all the information, as I am not Carly. But you do not know that Johnson will not give information unless you ask.
I have thought how it woudl feel if that happaned to me...please do not assume I have not. In fact, I have recently said if the same thing happaned to me I would probably cry, a lot. But I also specified that I would probably cry because I would feel awful and quilty that I made more than half the club feel that way about me.
As for people who are going to your parties/attendign your wedding...but voting Jordan out of the club. I have niothing to say on that matter as I am not them...and I do not know why someone would do that. It is confusing a bit.
And I do not believe being anonymous devalues oneself...heck, everythign voted on in Canada (pretty-much) is anonymous. That way the person does not feel pressured one way or another into an opinion.
Either way, I guess there is no longer a point in me playing devil's advocate. What's done is done.
It was harsh, yes. Not as professional as it could have been done...but fact of the matter is, the petition has signitures...and whats done is done.
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