Over the past few weeks a band known as "Delain" has come to my attention.
Not to mention having half the scandinavian rock scene involved as "project musicians", on first listen they're also very unoriginal. (They STINK of Nightwish and WT influences, probably owing to the amount of members/ex members.) Having said that, when you've heard the songs enough, they merge into the back of your mind and after a while you find yourself humming along to pretty decent harmonics.
Its nothing that hasnt been done before excepting the amount of members. Charlotte Wessels the main singer is nothing special but her voice isnt unattractive either. It makes for pleasurable background listening if youre not paying attention at the beginning. However again, over time you will start to bob your head and eventually think about them.
They dont stick until the last minute but when they do you've got them in your head for the rest of the day. Bastards.
Go check them out at their website:
http://www.delain.eu/...or their myspace:
http://www.myspace.com/delainmusic You'll laugh but they have a certain potential. I think.