Interesting ... Ms. May has called the Prime Minister "anti-feminist" ... Because he took a stance (along with the other two of four major prim ministerial hopefuls) saying he would pull out of the leaders debate if the consortium allowed her to participate. That is just ridiculous.
Article is
here So ... Yeah ... Interesting. I am not really sure I have a complete grasp on what is going on nor really have an opinion, except that that comment is completely ridiculous and uncalled for. It is unfounded.
Here is what must be considered:
1. Ms May and Mr Dion formed an agreement where they would not run a candidate in each other's respective ridings.
2. Ms. May has endorsed Mr Dion's environmental policy and some Liberal candidates.
3. The only person who is an actual MP under the Greens was elected as an independent and crossed over to the Greens not too long ago (which means she does not get an automatic invite to attend the leaders debate).
4. The majority of attention is on the Conservatives, as opposed to as much attention to the other two parties who opposed her participation.
5. The article is a hodge podge of quotes from everywhere.
6. The three who opposed her participation sounded like little school children
In conclusion, they have all shot themselves in the foot for their respective actions. The only party that comes out without any mud or a scratch are the Liberals who did not oppose her inclusion. Great job, Mr. Dion, well played on your part. Especially since you did not seem to start off the campaign well.