Title: The Choices We Make
doylebabyFandom: Troy
Pairing: Odysseus/Paris
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: upset at higher being
Word Count: 915
Warnings: none
Beta: The ever amazing
liriel1810, thanks hon. All mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: This is my fantasy, none of it is real. Not making any money with it.
Summary: Having been pulled into the games of the gods, haven't made Paris happy with his life
Author's Note: Written for
Also written for my Alphabet Meme where
liriel1810 picked the letter K - Kelp twined around his ankles
Text between ~...~ and in italics are thoughts.
My bingo card is
here My Alphabet Meme is
here He walked along the beach, kicking a stone in annoyance at himself and anger at the god who had changed his life - and not in a good way.