Well, alright. It was a total and complete fluke due to Audacity screwing up a conversion from .wav so beautifully. So, what follows sounds like approximately 40 seconds of some sort of raw techno.
http://www.box.net/shared/vcdyatgya6 Now to figure out what to do with this. (Something higher level than playing around with the 'generate tone' plugin in Audacity.)
The original .wav file was recorded from the sounds made by a specific but simple configuration of the game www.balldroppings.com. Which I failed to screencapture, le sigh. But it's basically with a horizontal line above the ball drop and a slightly slanted line below, so the balls eventually look like a wave. Also, it sounds nothing like the result...
(Wow, I am in a rambling mood today. You'd think I'd have restrained myself after babbling about Galileo's Dialogue to my astrophysics prof for five awkward minutes.)