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Oct 06, 2009 05:50

I'm totally in love with Donna Vivino (Elphaba in the current Wicked tour), a product of my volunteering at the Paramount WAY too much. It's like a sickness. I even left an adoring note on her official website. Which she apparently checks and responds to regularly. I wonder if my mega-crushing is obvious to the unobservant eye....

"Well hello there, my name is Elyse. I'm a volunteer at the Paramount, and I've worked at least 8 shows over the last 3 weeks. I wasn't even a Wicked fan when I signed up, I just had lots of free time on my hands between quarters... but I can honestly say you've made me a believer. Each of your performances was better than the last. You have a tremendous energy and passion that absolutely shines through in everything you do on stage. It was fabulous. I kept thinking that there was no way you could maintain that level for yet ANOTHER show, but you never failed to outdo yourself and leave me utterly bedazzled.

And I'm sure you get this a lot, but your performance of "Defying Gravity"... there are no words. Every day I would go to my post for intermission with a big goofy grin, and then sing it nonstop for the next week. All of your solos were outstanding, really. "I'm Not That Girl" still gives me shivers, even when it's stuck in my head for days at a time. ;-) So thank you so much for the unexpected source of joy, it's very much appreciated in my too-hectic life. Although now I'll never be satisfied with another Elphaba again. I hope you're happy. ;-)"
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