
Apr 17, 2007 13:10

So I am now officially a Cell and Molecular Biology major at the UW! And all I had to do was sign a little form...

AND I finally have a list of professors who might be interested in acting as my faculty sponsor for PATH.

I hate to say it, but for the first time in a while I'm seriously starting to consider med school. For the last few years the possibility has been at the back of my mind, but I'd never really taken it seriously until now. I know that because of my grades during my first two years, I have virtually no chance of making it into the UW school of medicine. But I'm hoping that if I really decide that this is what I want (and I do well on my MCATs) then I might be able to slip into a school that's not one of the best in the country.

I think what I need to do is get involved in a hospital, so that I can really figure out if being a doctor would be right for me. Maybe I'll work as a phlebotomist at Harborview. Or maybe I'll start volunteering. There are so many exciting prospects, I really don't know where to start.

Annother option is that of graduate school in biology. I just found out today that apparently if you work as a graduate TA you not only get paid, but the school also covers your tuition. So this is a very viable possibility as well. I'd like to get involved in some kind of field research so that I can figure out if thIis is something I'd like to do. There's a program called Beam Reach that allows students to study Orcas for 3 months in the San Juan Islands, but it's really expensive (and,to be honest, I don't know if marine biology is really my area of interest... although I don't mind marine mammology).

Oh, and in the spirit of putting off homework...

(Not as easy as you might think.)

1. Where is your cell phone? Chair.
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/S.O.? Nonexistent.
3. Your hair? Akward.
4. Your mother? Protective.
5. Your father? Indifferent.
6. Your favorite item? Keyboard.
7. Your dream last night? Amnesia.
8. Your favorite drink? Water.
9. Your dream car? Convertible.
10. The room you are in? Messy.
11. Your ex? Indecisive.
12. Your fear? Helplessness.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy.
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Neil!
15. What you're not? Depressed.
16. The last thing you did? Meeting.
17. What are you wearing? Comfortable.
18. Your favorite book? Evolution.
19. The last thing you ate? Indian (food).
20. Your life? Healing.
21. Your mood? Optimistic.
22. Your friends? Lifeline.
23. What are you thinking about right now? Possibilities.
24. Your car? Inaccessible.
25. What are you doing at the moment? Procrastinating.
26. Your summer? PATH.
27. Your relationship status? Free.
28. What is on your tv? Scrubs.
29. When is the last time you laughed? Neil.
30. Last time you cried? Kelsey.
31. School? Non-stop.
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