A greater book lust.

Jul 25, 2008 17:53

I can't seem to get enough of books this week. Probably due to my relative lack of connection to my good friend, sometime addiction, the internet. One of the downsides to being an instant gratification girl in an instant gratification world.

In the last two weeks I had managed to blow through The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife, and managed to buy The Amber Spyglass for myself before we left for South Carolina (technically, we are in North Carolina). It took me forever to read the first book. The beginning dragged and lost me, over and over again. And then Alma told me there were gay angels. Gay angels? How can I not be all over that? But still, The Golden Compass was locked away somewhere in the boxes in the basement of my fathers which hold the entirety of my life (I'm torn between pride and shame at the fact that a good five out of those twelve boxes contain nothing but books). And even gay angels weren't enough to get me motivated to dig through them to find it. But then I decided on a whim, somewhere between old seasons of BSG and the first disc of Jericho, to rent the movie. The movie was crap, which in my own way of thinking meant that the book must be fantastic. Well, that was enough to get me digging through the boxes. Due to the odd, visual way my memory works I was able to find it in the second box. And so reading commenced. It's not fantastic. I have more emotional attachment to Harry Potter and certainly more invested in ongoing series like Kushiel's Legacy, or A Song of Ice and Fire. But it's good. The Atheist's version of Chronicles of Narnia, only not. Because honestly, it's more complicated in some ways. But still, I'm all for childrens literature that denounces organized religion. I know; I'm a heretic and a bad person. I'm okay with that.

Then I got down here and I found the fourth Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants for only eight bucks in Walmart. Well, then. Can't ignore a deal like that! These books are cute, moderately well written, and easy to fucking read. I bought it on Tuesday and finished it by Wednesday afternoon. (I'm super excited about the movie, but its a hodge podge of books 2-4 and that makes me sad and nervous)

As soon as I'd finished that we ended up in Target which led to me randomly searching out Dreams from My Father. (Barack Obama is my real-life jesus. Don't worry, if you don't stand close the lightning won't hit you!) And, as I somehow knew I would, there I found it! What an elusive book! And for much cheaper than it would have been at Barnes & Noble or Borders! Not that I wouldn't willingly pay full price, but sometimes not doing so is great! Especially when you have been unemployed for nearly a month and are just starting a $7.50 an hour job on Monday. So, of course I bought it. This is a slower read. Not because it's long winded or difficult or boring. Quite the opposite. The book is beautiful, haunting in some way I can't quite describe, and sometimes painfully honest. It's the kind of thing I want to savor though, so that the words and the actions all have meaning. I'm in love with the writing, the careful and yet seemingly thoughtless order of words that make up a man's life. I could wax poetic about it for hours, in a previous post, I pretty much did. It makes me nervous. Certainly some part of Obama is kicking himself for having written it. Or maybe not, probably not. For me, the use of certain language, an open sexuality, and the use of some drugs is just a part of life. It's normal to the point of boring, except that it's not. I'm sure his ultra-conservative naysayers are having a field day, or will once November starts closing in.

I've got The Wandering Fire hanging out in my bag, but I haven't cracked it yet. I try to read only two books at a time and The Amber Spyglass and Dreams from My Father are taking up those positions. But Wandering Fire is lovingly placed third and will be read soon. It's the god damned hardest of the Fionavar books to find and thank god J loaned it to me or I might have lost my mind!

Also waiting in the wings is The Myth of You and Me. Suggested by Autumn for reasons obvious to me once I'd read the back cover. I'm excited to start this, but it's fourth on the list. I love the cover art though it's simple. Vibrant red is appealing to me for some reasons these days and makes me want to break it open immediately.

And I've just learned that Autumn is bring down the new Kushiel's for me to read. Woman is the best friend, ever. I can't wait to read that either!

Also, due to ComicCon coverage and a random article on MSN.com I'm thinking I will have to pick up and check out Twilight. I know from various Facebook walls that Kelly and Des are already fan-girling hardcore for this. So I figure it's a good bet I'll be happy. Look out bookstores, I'm coming out again!

Ahh, I love my internet, I do. But sometimes there really isn't anything better than a book in my hand. Sometimes I forget I'm an avid reader until I remember.
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