North Concept, Inc. Annual report (2011)

Jan 01, 2012 08:54

North Concept, Inc. Annual report (2011)
      1. The motto “Just Be as You Are” for symbolic item Shikyu-chan has been offered and developed.
“Just Be as You Are”

2. Definition and hierarchy of terms for Womb Conscious Conception: Self-acceptance, respect each others unique
difference, discovery own unique based on Dalai Lama compassion and happiness conception has been created.

Womb Conscious
      Why a Womb?

3. Development the idea Shikyu-chan as self-relaxation and infertility practice item.

  © The Self-relaxation practice with Shikyu-chan.

4. Medical staff copes with loss event review has been finished. [link]

5. Shikyu-chan as a symbolic item: a messenger of support and care has been offered. [link]

6. Used baby’s clothing charity project for support people in devastated area in Tohoku has been started. [link]

7. New research project: “Religions, faiths, cultural traditions and pregnancy loss” has been started.  [link]

8. Facebook PR activity:

Shikyu-chan page in Facebook,

Womb Conscious page in Facebook and

Humanized Childbirth page in Facebook has begun performed.

9. “Shikyu = Chikyu” analogically to a uterus is similar to the Earth, based on animism religions faith has been proposed.

[video at YouTube]

10. International used baby’s clothing charity project: べ びー福/Baby-fookoo with Nepalese Midwife Association
has been started. [link]

11. The first in Japan a music video dedicated to fathers in sorrow following unborn baby loss has been issued for
the Thanks Father Day (June, 19th) [video at YouTube]

12. Conception care on patients in grief following perinatal loss in long term “keeping touch” with medicals that been
 involved in the event: “Doctors do care of your  loss”  has been offered.

13. International used baby’s clothingcharity project: べ びー福/Baby-fookoo with Kenya Christian volunteers has
been started. [link] & [link2]

14. A common psycho-emotional type of patients in grief following by pregnancy loss has been classified out and
approach to care onin medical practice has been offered.

15. International medical tourism project has bees started. Japan: Medical Tours

16. Participation in Second Scientific Conference "Ethnic and Religion Interaction in the Age of Globalization:
Toward civilian identification" Kazan, Russia.[link]

17. PR via charity conception has begun to develop.

18. Russian Business Council in Japan home page and Facebok page creation and developing. [link] [link2]

19. Comparison examination of MD-simulation results by GROMACS and new created by Japanese research
 institution MDS-program has been done.

Public access

North Concept, INC

Japan: Medical Tours

In livejournal


In blogger


In Fecebook:
Humanized childbirth and perinatal grief care
Womb Conscious: Acceptance, kindness, support
べ びー福 / Baby Fookoo
Born sleeping Lilies-of-the-valley
Tatiana A. Romanova, DVM, PhD
North Concept, INC

shikyu-chan, японская медицина, religion and medicine, образование, психология, наука в Японии, womb conscious, медицина, лечение в Японии

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