Dec 23, 2008 11:59

This must be my best ever results ever to date.

However I'm still pretty disappointed by my EC3101 results though it's kinda expected (I was praying for a miracle xD) because for economics, it's harder to take honours for it, as they don't see your CAP alone.

EC2303 Foundations of Econometrics                             A-
EC3101 Microeconomic Analysis II                                    B- (sigh stupid mid term screwed up my grades)
EC3332 Money and Banking I                                             A-
NM2219 Principles of Communication Management    A-
PC1327 Science of Music                                                    A

I was pleasantly surprised by my EC3332 and EC2303. FINALLY, EC modules with As! *throws confetti* though it's A-, but still xD

This result pulled my CAP from 3.55 to 3.8. I'm happy with my results for this semester hitting 4.3, like zomg it's like a miracle I ever touched the mark 4 hahaha. But sigh if I wanna take honours for economics I need to score at LEAST a freaking A for my EC3102 because I screwed up EC3101 :/ my fatal mistake of sacrificing the mid term test of EC3101 for NM2219. Should have known better because I just realised to take honours I need to get a combination grade of at least 4 for EC3101 and EC3102. Since EC3101 is at 3, I have to get a freaking 5 for EC3102. Which is as impossible as pigs fly.

Not taking EC3102 for next semester yet, though. Putting off to Year 3. There's an alternative route for honours, which is to maintain CAP above 3.5 for all EC modules. Even then it's only qualification for APPEAL. You see how f*cking picky economics department is? They don't freaking care about other modules pulling up your CAP. Damn rubbish can. Then why the heck did I ever put effort in other modules?!

Sian la. It's like, a wet blanket amidst my celebration :/

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