I assume those who truly fear spoilers will have realised that livejournal is not safe a long time ago, but I shall place a cut here just in case.
I am so happy. One Big Happy Weasley Family! Except, of course, you know... Fred.
Gah, how could she DO that?!?!
So, happiness and grief aside, I still have some unanswered questions. Some reasonably unanswered (um, 500-page epilogue, please?), and some I feel gypped on.
1. Who performed magic later on in life?
2. When the fuck did the US cover happen? Was that when Harry and Voldy's wands switched? In that case, what the fuck is with the coliseum thing? Is that the ruins of Hogwarts? I don't think I'm so much a fan of GrandPre as I used to be...
3. So what happened to Teddy? We know he's alive and well (and presumably snogging Bill and Fleur's daughter), but where was he those whole 19 years we skipped? Did he live with Harry and Ginny until he moved out? He'd be about 20, wouldn't he? Or did he live with his Grandma? And why the fuck was he at Platform 9 3/4, snogging Victoire (however old she is)? Maybe he was seeing her off? Bloody hell, Jo, this epilogue is killing me: with glee and curiosity all at once!
4. What's with all the Viktor references in the end? Okay, so there are only two, but still. We don't know what happened to him... I feel like that's not a coincidence. Wait, not two, three! Well, maybe Rose isn't one, but... come on, Sigur Rós didn't coin that phrase, did they? Aha, google tells me that there is a type of rose called the Sweet Victory Rose, and that there is a Victory Rose Thoroughbreds in California, although many of the results for "victory rose" result in Sigur Rós. Yeah, I'll count that as three. What happened to him???
5. So, how's George? I mean, honestly! I'll assume he got through it okay, but was there a rough patch where he was considering suicide or anything? Come on, that's his beloved twin! What happened to WWW? Could he keep it up without Fred?
6. Xenophilius? (Awesome name, by the way!) What happened to him??? Did he survive?
7. Speaking of George, did he ever marry? And Percy? Charlie? Come ON! I must know all about the OBHWF!!!
8. What's with the no-awkwardness between Hermione and Lavender? I mean, it's not weird that Hermione saved her life but I'd expect more weirdness the first time they see each other in the Room of Requirement. Although, they did share a dorm, and Lavender didn't actually know they were together at that point, so maybe that's why. Never mind, then.
9. Jo said that Draco's son looked as much like him as Albus did Harry. So, how much is that? The only one she gave any description of was Lily's red hair! And Rose and Hugo? Come on! Details, woman, details!
10. Um, VEIL?!?! EXPLANATION, PLEASE! Is that where Harry met Dumbledore, behind the veil? I think it's reasonable to assume so, but I want definite answers!
11. What ARE the 12 uses of dragon's blood anyway?
12. And how DID James and Lily start going out?
13. What happened to Hermione's parents? I assume she went to Australia and lifted the memory charms and brought them back to England, but nothing was said!
14. How DID James and Lily thrice defy Voldemort?
15. So, now that Voldy's 100% dead, all the spells he's cast are undone, right? So no more jinx on the DADA position?
16. Why "Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus"?
17. Not a question, but interesting: did Harry destroy any of the Horcruxes? 1, Dumbledore destroyed the ring; 2, Ron destroyed the locket; 3, Hermione destroyed the cup; 4, the diadem was destroyed by Crabbe's fire; ah,yes, Harry destroyed the diary. But in this book, he didn't destroy any. Neville killed Nagini, and Voldemort killed the piece of his soul that was inside Harry. Wasn't there supposed to be another one, since Voldemort didn't know Harry was a Horcrux? Or did he find out? Ah yes, he did, because he expected Harry to sacrifice himself. Brill. Okay, so in order, the Horcuxes: 1, Riddle's diary, destroyed by Harry; 2, Peverell's ring, destroyed by Dumbledore; 3, Slytherin's locket, destroyed by Ron; 4, Hufflepuff's cup, destroyed by Hermione; 5, Ravenclaw's diadem, destroyed by Crabbe accidentally; 6, Harry, 'purified' by Voldemort; and 7, Nagini, killed by Neville.
18. I'm just going to assume McGonagall is headmistress at Hogwarts. And Professors? Many of the same, perhaps?
19. Um, cats? Crookshanks? What's his deal??? Weren't we supposed to find out something about cats?
20. Thank you thank you thank you for the kiss. The Kiss, I should say, which I should have known would involve house elves and which sent me into a fit of elated hysterics as I read it. *Sigh* For the love of Harry, Jo... a 500-page OBHWF epilogue, pleeeeeeeeease???
21. Uh, did Teddy turn out to be a werewolf? We can assume he's a Metamorphmagus, but...?
22. Jobs? What does everyone do for a living? There are a lot of Chudley Cannon jobs in fanon, does that coincide with canon at all (she asks somewhat hopefully)? Is Hermione helping house elves? Do the blokes still want to be Aurors (she asks, hoping the answer's no)? Could Ron take over Arthur's job? Does Harry even need a job (yes, she answers herself, if only to stop from going insane)?
23. My friend has just enlightened me that Harry is not wearing the necklace, but the pouch from Hagrid, on the front cover. This has cleared up a fair amount of my confusion about the cover (although I still don't think the coliseum-thing looks like Hogwarts).
24. Apparently I read the epilogue too hastily, and noticed about the fifth time I read it (in my defense, I was too excited that all my HP dreams were coming true) that Teddy was indeed at Platform 9 3/4 to see Victoire off. And that Albus has Lily's eyes, so I guess we're supposed to assume he looks a great deal like Harry. Sorry then.