Mar 26, 2009 08:44
The new National Geographic series "Hard Time" is quickly becoming one of the highlights of my week. It follows inmates and guards/workers in a Georgia state prison for a year, each episode so far has focused on different inmates and different guards and what got them in prison, their status in the prison, daily lives, struggles, etc. It's a very gripping and interesting portrayal of what that life is like.
I could not imagine having to go to jail for any extended periods of time, at this Georgia prison the average sentence is of around 20-25 years, there's plenty of lifers and others who are there on shorter terms.
The other night they were telling the story of "Rockefeller" who was jailed for statutory rape which is NOT forceful rape but consensual sex with somebody not yet past the legal age of consent. In Rockefeller's case he had sex with his high school girlfriend and the girl's mother who disapproved of the relationship brought the charges against him, so even though the girl fully consented to the act, under law she wasn't old enough to make that decision (I think she was 15, and the age of consent in their state was 16, he was 17) and therefore he was charged with statutory rape. That in and of itself is already messed up, his sentence was for 6 or 7 years. Two years into it is when National Geographic met with him, and he receives a letter notifying him of his early parole due to good behavior. Rockefeller would be going home in a week's time. During that week you see him withdraw a little and spend more time of his own, he explained it as trying to free himself from the prison mentality, the chain-gang way of life, although he's already branded himself with tattoos and such he said he was ready to leave prison behind forever. The day he was due to be released he met with a parole officer who informed him that he wouldn't be going home after all, the reason? Rockefeller has a sister, 7 years old, and the law declares that due to his status as a rapist, he cannot be in close contact with children (I forget the distance, it wasn't much, but he certainly couldn't live with one) so now his sentence again becomes continuous, since he would HAVE to live in that house.
Can you imagine that? it broke my heart to see him go from being happy to be out of that environment and back to freedom and due to his own siblings he has to stay there until his sister is old enough.. HIS SISTER! Insane. Firstly because the sex he had with his then girlfriend was consensual his punishment was far too severe but not only that, he's forever going to a rapist on paper, tarnishing his name and preventing him from working in certain areas for life.
There's other stories to share from that show, but that one is pretty bad. The argument could be made that 15 is too young, I would agree to that too, but to have your life ruined as a result of it? That's crazy. Had he actually raped her I would have no sympathy for him, I want to make that clear.
In a more personal note, things are going pretty well as of late. I feel good about the decisions I'm taking - save a few bumps here and there - but overall I like where I am right now. Carolyn and I are going closer and that's a good thing. I wish I could see more people more often but I really need to stay focused until the end of the semester, I'm doing pretty well in school and I want to keep that up. I sprained my thumb boxing last Monday, it's healing pretty well but I can't train until it's fully healed, at least another week or two I'll keep it on a splint then hopefully get back to training regularly.
I want to lose some weight, I need to become stricter with my eating habits again. That's the only thing that holds me back since my work-outs are pretty strenuous, the ice cream's got to stop! late night snacks as well. It's game time.
I have to decide also on what I want to do for my birthday. I was originally going to just have it at my job because it's local, big enough, and I know everybody so it would be a good time, but they're having a U2 cover band (stupidly named "2U") and I fucking hate U2 so I don't want to be subjected to their shitty music. Now I'm thinking of other bars to have it at also in the area, I want to have all my friends be able to make it so I'm not doing anything in NYC. If it comes to it I may just have it at my job, I guess not all U2 is shitty, right?
Lastly, I found a $25 iTunes card, I know about 10ish songs I want to buy with it, but any other suggestions? I'm looking mostly for hip hop right now, I'm getting the latest in ghetto club hits (soulja boy, jamie foxx, flo-rida, etc) so more suggestions like that would be appreciated.
What are some GOOD dance tracks to get from DAFT PUNK? I don't know much about them but what little I've heard I like... (other dance/electronica suggestions are welcome)