Norsekink Friending Meme pt 2!

Jun 11, 2012 15:07

welcome to the...

The Norsekink Friending Meme

There are a lot of awesome people on the meme and everyone should get to know each other a little better; it's always fun to meet new people with similar interests, right? :) If you've come here and want to make some new friends, please copy and paste the form below and fill out. Enjoy!

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mod post, friending meme

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hysterichotel June 12 2012, 00:18:41 UTC
►about YOU

○ name: Jenn
○ age: 19
○ location: Share my time between Texas, New York, and Oregon
○ interests/hobbies: Writing, reading, studying film, analyzing things constantly, looking into the deeper meanings of entertainment.
○ one interesting thing about you: I'm rather new to fandom but I love it already. Also related, I can't watch Thor without thinking of the specific film terms that make up such a beautiful movie.

►about FANDOM

○ favourite fandoms: I don't really have a favorite. I used to split my time between Tokio Hotel bandom and Glee fandom but now I'm totally into Thor :)
○ favourite ships: At the moment? Thor/Loki
○ favourite characters: Sleipnir! >_>
○ rps involved in, if any: None!

►about your LJ

○ journal username: hysterichotel
○ what you normally post: Stuff about school as I'm a university student, stuff about anxiety (my own or in general), random squeeing, cool videos/internet thingies going on, fanfiction I write!
○ friends only?: Yes, simply because I do post semi personal things to my life and I prefer them behind doors I can control :) sometimes you'll catch a random public post but otherwise it's all friends only!

○ THINK FAST: School ends for me tomorrow so I'm getting ready for a massive odinsleep.


lokifan June 14 2012, 22:57:36 UTC
Yay, analysing stuff! Totally friending you back :)


sigridhr June 20 2012, 18:35:44 UTC
Hurray for media literacy! :)

Mind if I friend you? I'm not a creeper, I promise. XD


hysterichotel June 21 2012, 04:36:32 UTC
Sure! :DDD


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