Norsekink Friending Meme pt 2!

Jun 11, 2012 15:07

welcome to the...

The Norsekink Friending Meme

There are a lot of awesome people on the meme and everyone should get to know each other a little better; it's always fun to meet new people with similar interests, right? :) If you've come here and want to make some new friends, please copy and paste the form below and fill out. Enjoy!

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mod post, friending meme

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iceshade June 12 2012, 11:05:31 UTC
Yes. Good.


tallycola June 13 2012, 03:36:14 UTC


lokifan June 14 2012, 22:55:50 UTC
W00T non-con and Loki/Steve! But then I'd friended you already :)


ohfreckle July 22 2012, 21:02:41 UTC
I'm ages late for this, and not just because I'm older than you.

Mpreg, non-con and Lady Loki sound most excellent, so I hope it's ok if I friend you.


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