Norsekink Friending Meme pt 2!

Jun 11, 2012 15:07

welcome to the...

The Norsekink Friending Meme

There are a lot of awesome people on the meme and everyone should get to know each other a little better; it's always fun to meet new people with similar interests, right? :) If you've come here and want to make some new friends, please copy and paste the form below and fill out. Enjoy!

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mod post, friending meme

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acadecian June 11 2012, 23:11:03 UTC
►about YOU
○ name: Sarah/EC/Acadecian/Talulabelle
○ age: 20+8
○ location: Omaha, NE
○ interests/hobbies: Reading, writing, concerts, movies, role playing (tabletop and online/freeform), photography, travelling, Star Wars costuming (currently in the Rebel Legion, working on my 501st costume now)
○ one interesting thing about you: All of our pets have Star Wars names. Right now we have Jade and Luke Skywalker. We used to have a Booster and a Tallon too.

►about FANDOM
○ favourite fandoms: Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who, True Blood, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Files, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Grey's Anatomy (don't judge me!), Game of Thrones, Weeds, Homeland
○ favourite ships: Too many to name, but I'm partial to Jaina/Jag (Star Wars), Darcy/Loki, Darcy/Clint...I'll ship almost anyone if it's even remotely plausible.
○ favourite characters: Jaina Solo, Loki, Tony Stark, Darcy Lewis, Coulson, Erik Northman...again, too many to name
○ rps involved in, if any: I've been doing online Star Wars RP on and off since 1995

►about your LJ
○ journal username: acadecian
○ what you normally post: I haven't been posting too much as of late, but usually just general updates on what's going on in my life
○ friends only?: Yes

○ THINK FAST: My 20 year old car gets pretty damn good gas mileage for, you know, a 20 year old car


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