Round 8

Apr 06, 2012 02:06


Welcome to norsekink!

Keep up the awesome, folks.
M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that ( Read more... )

round 08, prompt post

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Mini-fill 1 longbca May 21 2012, 18:14:29 UTC
Such a Small Babe

Her stomach had slowly rounded and curved with the life growing within her- sometimes she would rub her stomach with tender care marvelling at the life which grew within but other times she wouldn’t even look down knowing all she would feel is utter disgust at what her womb was festering. She knew it was unfair on the child which was growing within her- but knowing the child was half-Jotun was enough to make her feel sick and terrified of the child.

She hadn’t chosen to bear this child- hadn’t chosen to bear an heir to Jotuntheim Throne- but it hadn’t stopped the child from being conceived. Logically she knew it wasn’t the child’s fault. Which had been the reason she was carrying the child to term. She knew the child had done nothing wrong. It hadn’t chosen this as much as she had.

“Lady Sif,” a voice sounded from the doorway and she turned to see Queen Frigga at her doorway and she sent a wan smile at the Queen as the woman glided in with elegance. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine, my Queen,” Sif replied- and today was one of her better days- her thoughts positive and her hands rarely leaving her swollen belly.

“That is good dear, not long now until we welcome the little one,” Frigga smiled. Sif was glad that she had Frigga by her side during these trying months- the woman had been a source of quiet strength and wisdom for Sif who was barely into adulthood.

“Are you sure about this?” Sif questioned softly.

“I am, all the preparations have been made. The AllFather and myself with call the child our own- it was one of the reasons we have isolated ourselves- people will think you simply were here to help me through a difficult pregnancy,” Frigga said while placing a hand on top of Sif’s which rested on her stomach.

“It’s an awful lot to ask of you,” Sif whispered.

“I miss the noise that a child creates in the palace. And while Thor may often behave like one, I long for another child,” Frrigga reassured the young woman.

“Thank you, I would not be able to raise the babe with as much love as you would be able to bestow on them,” Sif said as tears gathered in her eyes.

“I know this has been difficult for you- you haven’t had any time to process what has happened yet,” Frigga replied, “I think after some time you will be able to be a part of the babe’s life and in your own way show them that you do care for them.”

Sif nodded with a tearful smile.

A month or so later when the contractions wracked her body and the cries of her new son broke through the air she cried as she saw the baby’s blue skin and the tears fell harder when they saw the skin turn pink as Frigga touched the babe’s cheek and laid the child onto Sif’s chest.

The babe was tiny- smaller than most Aesir babies she had seen before. His small body almost locked into fetal position as he didn’t yet know how to move his small limbs. He was clod to the touch but Sif smiled through her tears.

“Hello, little one, I am Sif- the woman who birthed you. I am sorry I cannot keep you but I would only cause you more harm than good,” Sif cried and nodded to Frigga who picked the baby up and wrapped it in a red blanket.

“Be good for your Mother, Loki,” Sif whispered and Frigga nodded in approval at the name.

The next week Sif stood by her friend’s sides as the people of Asgard welcomed their new Prince who was cradled tenderly in Frigga’s arms. A smile adorned her face and she knew she had done the right thing to have the child and give him to her Queen and the AllFather.



Re: Mini-fill 1 japanesenut May 21 2012, 18:27:49 UTC
This mini fill! the ending was so sweet but soooo sad ='(


Re: Mini-fill 1 longbca May 21 2012, 18:53:34 UTC
Thanks- this is my first fill- glad you liked it!


Re: Mini-fill 1 cancerjanus May 21 2012, 19:57:07 UTC
Loved this brilliant fill.


Re: Mini-fill 1 longbca May 22 2012, 01:31:24 UTC
aw perfect


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