New rules - please read

Feb 12, 2012 16:42

Language Usage:

We do not condone any kind of oppressive language on this meme. Racist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, ableist, any kind of -ist, are all discouraged in prompts and discussions unless it is a specific dialogue being requested (ex. "character X calls character Y a whore, etc."); even so, tread with caution. Use of oppressive ( Read more... )

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HELP superboyclex March 20 2012, 15:28:00 UTC
Thanks for the info. Also, I was wondering and if I'm asking this in the wrong area I apologize, is there new security where when ever someone comments or posts to this community it asks you to prove you are not a bot or that you are human??? It keeps happening to me when I comment to a post. It never used to do this. Is this normal?


Re: HELP superboyclex March 21 2012, 06:06:41 UTC
Yes, it's normal to get captcha when you post anon or when it's a post where a lot of other people are anon or when a post hits 5000 comments. It's to prevent spam.


Re: HELP superboyclex March 22 2012, 04:03:44 UTC
Thanks for replying. I'm not posting anon but I guess it can get pretty crowded in here. It's just nice to know the reason since I hadn't had it happen to me before while in the community. Thanks again.


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Re: MOD coneycat March 23 2012, 13:51:39 UTC
I had been wondering why I was getting CAPTCHA on some posts and not others, and I almost never post anon. Thanks for the explanation!


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