New rules - please read

Feb 12, 2012 16:42

Language Usage:

We do not condone any kind of oppressive language on this meme. Racist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, ableist, any kind of -ist, are all discouraged in prompts and discussions unless it is a specific dialogue being requested (ex. "character X calls character Y a whore, etc."); even so, tread with caution. Use of oppressive ( Read more... )

mod post

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norse_kink February 15 2012, 08:54:15 UTC
IP tracking basically means that we, on the mod account only, can see the IP addresses of anyone who posts on the meme, anon or not. Your IP address is a sequence of numbers unique to your internet connection (but not to your account or your computer--if, for instance, you log in from your house on your laptop and then log in on the same laptop from, say, a Starbucks, you'd have a different IP address from each location). What this means is that when someone posts on anon who has an account, if they've posted off anon anywhere on the meme, we can tie their anon comments to their account, and if they're breaking the rules while on anon, we can suspend/ban their account, if needed.

There are some obvious flaws in the way this works, but for now, it's the best we've got to curb rule-breaking activity, in conjunction with freezing/deleting threads that violate the rules. To be honest, we most likely won't have cause to even look at anyone's IP (and again, we can ONLY see it while logged onto the mod account) unless they're breaking the rules.


queen_subtle February 16 2012, 06:54:42 UTC
ah ok. thanks!


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