Happy Holidays, Norsekink! Welcome to our flashfill fest.
FLASHFILL FEST IS NOW CLOSED. Thank you for all entries and fills!
If you wish to continue any fills, please feel free to continue them in the OVERFLOW POST.
If you wish to participate, the rules for the fest are as follows:
-Prompts and fills will be accepted from December 12th-25th.
-After the 25th, the round will close to prompts but continue to accept fills until January 2nd.
-Prompts are limited to 100 words or less. There is no limit to the number of prompts you may post but please try to fill as many of others' prompts as possible.
-There is no limit on the number of fills a prompt may receive, but again, please do try to get as many prompts filled as possible so everyone gets a treat.
-Fills should be written or drawn in 1 hour or less to make this a flashfill fest! (Though if you wish to continue working on a fill after the hour is up, you are of course welcome to do so.)
-Any prompts and fills made for the fest should only be posted here until after January 2nd to keep it from affecting the operations of the rest of the meme.
-Format and content warning requirements are the same as other prompt posts.
Round 6 will remain open during this time period for longer prompts and anyone who does not wish to participate in the fest. We hope everyone has fun with this and spreads a bit of holiday cheer!
Quick Links
Fill List |
Round One |
Round Two |
Round Three |
Round Four |
Round Five |
Round Six Golden Oldies Round One and Two |
Overflow Post |
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