Round 5

Oct 16, 2011 15:08

Round 5 is now closed.

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Attention: Spoiler policy is now in place. For more information, go here.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any ( Read more... )

round 05, prompt post

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Re: Deliver Me From Evil (13/?) anonymous November 22 2011, 01:00:40 UTC
By the time Steve was finished patching up Loki’s back and shoulder, the God of Mischief was definitely wilting.

It was another new experience for Steve. Never had he imagined seeing Loki actually show fatigue. But then again, never had he thought he’d be offering a supervillain sanctuary, or wondering if gods got pregnancy cravings, or exactly what was involved when a god who was to all outward appearances male gave birth.

It was amazing that his brain wasn’t smoking.

But if one thing had been drilled into his head during his upbringing, it was hospitality. “Come on, I’ll show you to the guest room so you can take a rest. You look beat-er, no pun intended,” he added quickly.

Loki laughed as he wearily stood to follow Steve. “A shame, that. As puns go, it wasn’t bad.”

Steve allowed himself a smile in return. Another amazing realization-when Loki wasn’t trying to blast Steve’s kidneys out his ears, he was actually quite easy to get along with. When Thor had first joined the Avengers, he’d spent more than a few hours trying to figure out why he still seemed to hold such affection for his wicked younger brother, but now Steve could understand it.

What he couldn’t understand was why that patient, steadfast affection had suddenly run out.

“Right in here,” he said, pulling his mind away from those thoughts as he opened the door to the guest room. “It’s not much,” he added, thinking of Thor’s descriptions of Asgard and all its luxuries, “but it’s yours until we can find something better. You can rest as long as you want and I promise, no one will bother you.”

Loki paused in the doorway, staring at the small room. Steve fought the urge to fidget. It really wasn’t much-double bed with a quilt his grandmother had made by hand, a simple dresser, bedside tables with mismatched lamps, and old-fashioned lace curtains framing the window-the room hadn’t seen many guests, and certainly wasn’t fit for a god. “I’m sorry it’s not better,” he said uncomfortably when Loki still just stood there, staring.

That broke the god out of his immobility. He glanced back at Steve with such raw emotion in his eyes, it was hard for the Captain to hold his gaze. “It is a lovely room, and it is far more than I deserve from you, Capt-Steve,” he corrected himself, speaking softly, his tone almost totally emotionless in contrast with the wellspring of feeling in his eyes.

Steve felt the heat in his cheeks that meant he was probably blushing again. “It’s just a room,” he muttered, looking away in embarrassment.

A gentle touch on his elbow, fleeting and gone. “It is much more than that,” Loki said, still in that strange tone. “Thank you.” And he entered the room and closed the door gently behind him, leaving Steve confused and alone in the hall.

Instead of returning to the living room, Steve went down the hall to his little office. Tony Stark had taken it upon himself to teach the Captain some of the technology he’d missed out on during his long sleep, and now he fired up the computer and logged onto the internet. Loki’s children, he typed into Google, and settled down to read.

It wasn’t long before the roar of a motorcycle alerted Steve to Clint’s return. He wasn’t sorry to turn off the computer. Everything he’d read had confirmed what Loki had said-all of his children had suffered horribly at the hands of the Æsir. No wonder he feared what would happen if Odin discovered this child was on the way! Steve remembered the terrible grief and rage in those green eyes as he’d told them what had happened to his children and his gut clenched.

The motorcycle screamed to a halt in Steve’s driveway and the roaring engine cut out. A minute later, the archer slammed through the front door as if it had done him personal wrong. “Those goat-fucking assholes,” he snarled, throwing his helmet down with such force that it bounced off the hardwood floor and skidded down the hall. “Those goddamn miserable pricks!”

“Hey, hey, keep it down!” Steve waved his hands desperately. “Loki’s resting, you’ll wake him up!”


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (13/?) queen_subtle November 22 2011, 01:20:48 UTC


And...wait a second...

Did Fury just call my Loki a bitch?


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (13/?) anonymous November 22 2011, 03:24:13 UTC
Yes, yes he did. But Clint called Fury a goat-fucking bastard, so I think it evens out in the end. ;P

(If Clint is really OOC, I beg forgiveness. I know him only from his brief cameo in Thor and am completely out on a limb with his character. But it seems to me like he's got smart-ass-itude down to a fine art and therefore I love him. Deeply. I have also decided he's got a serious potty-mouth and am having too much fun with that!)


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (13/?) queen_subtle November 22 2011, 04:56:34 UTC
eh..hehe...I haven't seen much of Clint either, but I adore the crap out of him anyway!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (13/?) pyrebomb November 23 2011, 00:25:27 UTC
I haven't really read any Avengers titles since the 90's, but Clint seems spot-on from what I recall. He is, indeed, a massive smartass. Marvel tries to keep most of their titles fairly kid-friendly, so you wouldn't see him cussing up a stream in most canon, but I think its definitely in character for him. And I can see him being willing to give Loki the benefit of the doubt because he's been in that position himself. Not the pregnant part, but the villain part.

Loving this fill. Keep up the good work!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) anonymous November 22 2011, 02:09:36 UTC
Clint closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. “It’ll probably come as no shock to him that his brother’s a fucking bastard,” he said, but his voice was quieter now if no less angry.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’s noticed. I take it you talked to Thor?”

“Him and Fury,” Clint said, nodding. He threw himself down onto the armchair so hard it almost bounced him right back out. He slammed a fist into one of the arms. “I told them that I ran into Loki and found out we’re not arresting him anymore. Fury thinks the whole concept of Loki being pregnant is hilarious, real or not. Bastard just doesn’t give a damn, which is pretty much what I expected. But Thor knows that Loki’s not faking this. He confirmed that he’s all but helpless while he’s pregnant, and that he knows Doom and his cronies would love to take Loki apart piece by piece. And he’s just fine with that. Can you believe that shit?” His voice was rising again. “He called Loki the Mother of Monsters and even said the world would be better off if the poor kid never took its first breath! Of all the fucked up-”

“Shh!” Steve hissed, glancing over his shoulder at Loki’s still-closed door. Then what Clint said finally sank in and his jaw dropped. “Wait, what?”

“You heard me,” Clint growled, still furious. “All this time, I’ve known Thor’s a dumbass, but I never knew he was the biggest bastard in the known universe. This is his brother’s kid he’s talking about!”

Steve sank down onto the unbloodied end of the couch. Damn, if he hadn’t been determined to help Loki before, he definitely was now. “I just don’t get it, man,” he said, shaking his head, all but flabbergasted. “How many times has he argued for Loki and begged us to give him a chance? Loki’s even fought on our side before, and while he’s never been exactly loyal, I haven’t forgotten the times he’s saved our asses. And now that he actually needs Thor’s help, he pulls this stunt?”

“Fury’s been teaching him about tough love.” Clint spat the words as though they tasted foul. When Steve didn’t get it, the archer said, “Oh, yeah, forgot you slept through that. Basically if you have a family member who’s a fuck-up, or on drugs, or breaking the law, you cut them off. Let them face the music without any help. It’s supposed to wake them up to what they’re doing wrong and make ’em want to change.”

Steve frowned. On the surface, it didn’t sound like a bad idea. However… “But it’s not just Loki we’re talking about here. There’s a kid involved-a kid who hasn’t done anything wrong.”

“No shit.” Clint jammed his hands through his hair and sat back with an explosive sigh. “It boils down to this-Thor’s got his head jammed up his ass and doesn’t seem likely to pull it out anytime this century, so it looks like it’s up to us to keep Doom and Odin out of the picture. So where are we gonna stash our god while he incubates his little stranger?”

And Tony Stark stuck his head around the corner. “Might be I can help you guys out with that.”

(because I just can't have Ironman be a bad guy. I just can't.)


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) golden_helikaon November 22 2011, 04:29:28 UTC
YAY TONY! Just what I was hoping for!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) anonymous November 22 2011, 05:03:28 UTC

Seriously. Seriously. omg. Seriously. Guys. Seriously. omg. You have no idea. NO FUCKIGN IDEA. Between this and that AU on round six I'm sitting here compulsively pressing f5 over and over and over.

I haven't changed my underwear in three days. My hair is unbrushed and I'm pretty sure one of my cats is eating my left leg but I don't care, I CAN'T STOP. READING. THESE. FICS.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) sezso November 23 2011, 06:31:20 UTC
I thought you couldn't upload pics into your comment when you post anon. How did you manage it?

Also I love that pic and it perfectly describes my reaction to part 14 as well. XD


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) anonymous November 23 2011, 07:51:31 UTC
You can do it by putting it as a background to a table in your comment. Same with sparkly text. One of the mods for the sherlock holmes kink meme put up a pretty useful tutorial a while back - I think it's in their discussion post


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) mimatsuhime November 22 2011, 06:41:55 UTC
yay!!! I also couldn`t have Tony as a bad guy ;)
Wonderful that he will help!!

Wonderful update!!!! thank you so much!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) anonymous November 22 2011, 07:13:45 UTC



AND THEN!!!!!!





Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) dafnix November 22 2011, 14:32:25 UTC
This is just great! Steve is so adorable :3 update soon please <3


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) x_eevie November 22 2011, 14:36:54 UTC
TONYYY! YEs! I'm so happy you made him one of the good guys!!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) anonymous November 22 2011, 19:28:36 UTC
Best. Fic. Ever.

And a "hip, hip, hooray" goes up with Tony's sneaky interjection! I knew Tony wouldn't be left out, and he wouldn't let Steve play knight in shining armor by himself (er, and with Clint). And no way was Tony not realizing that Clint knew more than he was letting on.

Thor's a d-bag. He has his moments where he seems like he might be growing up into a real boy, and then, bang! Nope, he's just Odin's puppet. Fury's "tough love" talk with Odin's upbringing on "monsters", Thor is definitely on the side of assholes on this one.

I like your Clint. He's very amusing, and since this is movie-verse, I don't think you can have him out of character when we saw so little of him.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (14/?) korilian November 22 2011, 21:58:57 UTC
Thank you Tony!


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