Round 5

Oct 16, 2011 15:08

Round 5 is now closed.

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Attention: Spoiler policy is now in place. For more information, go here.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any ( Read more... )

round 05, prompt post

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Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 00:43:12 UTC
Loki went utterly still. This, he hadn’t expected. “What are you saying?” he asked carefully. He didn’t want to misunderstand, and there was every chance he had, because it sounded like Clint was going to help rather than take advantage of his weakness.

Clint tossed his bow onto the armchair and ran a hand through his hair. “Never thought I’d say this, but I got your back, Loki. Just until this-” he gestured vaguely at Loki’s midsection, “-is over, mind. I still remember last time we fought-you blasted my ass through a wall. That hurt, dude. I’m still gonna beat your ass for it, but I can wait for a while.”

“Same here.” This time it was Steve who spoke, blue eyes blazing with righteous outrage. “No matter what you’ve done on Earth, we’re talking about a baby here. Letting a kid get hurt or killed or whatever just ‘cuz it’s yours isn’t right. I mean, we’re supposed to be the good guys! So yeah, Loki, you can stay here and we’ll keep Doom and Odin off your back.”

“And Thor can suck it,” Clint finished.

Loki would never do something as crass as gaping. He just wouldn’t. There had to be another word to describe a momentary lapse of thought while he tried to wrap his mind around this bizarre development. Finally he managed to close his mouth and cleared his throat while he sought desperately for something to say. “Well,” he said, his voice rough, unsure for one of the very few times in his long, long life. “Well.”

“Turn around and let me take care of your back,” Steve offered, and Loki did so, appreciating that the Captain understood he needed a moment to process all this.

Clint clapped Steve on the shoulder, and after a moment’s hesitation, he did the same to Loki’s uninjured one, too. “I’m going to check in at HQ, get their story, maybe try to pick Thor’s brain if I can find it,” he said, and Loki snorted a little laugh. “Probably best we don’t mention this so Fury can’t order us not to do it, don’t you think, Steve?”

Loki couldn’t see Steve, but he guessed that the super-soldier nodded because Clint went on as though he’d agreed. “Probably shouldn’t keep him here long, either-I know Coulson watches us no matter how many times he says he doesn’t. Bastard knows too damn much not to. So I’ll also be on the lookout for a good hidey-hole.”

“Good plan,” Steve replied, dabbing something on Loki’s back that burned like hell. Then, hesitating, he added, “While he’s out, do you need anything, Loki? Like, I dunno, prenatal vitamins or something?”

Despite the pain, Loki genuinely laughed at that. “It doesn’t work that way, but thank you.”

“I’m out,” Clint said, and took his leave.

Steve silently tended Loki’s back for several minutes before he finally asked the question Loki knew was coming. “So how does it work, then? I mean, I read some of the myths too, but I thought it was, you know, allegory or something.”

Loki hesitated, trying to decide if he should answer or not. But he supposed it wouldn’t come as a shock to the Avengers that he was a god of magic. Besides, they were showing him trust. He should do the same. “It’s not a physical pregnancy as you would understand it. It occurs within my body but is of a magical nature.”

The hands on his back stilled. “You know, that really didn’t explain anything.”

“It’s the best I can do,” Loki replied, although it probably wasn’t. After all, he’d occasionally even gotten Thor to understand magical concepts. He could explain things very well when he chose to do so. But this… he wasn’t eager to explain to all and sundry. “Besides,” he added, “it’s a bit personal.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to be nosy,” Steve said, backing off immediately as Loki had known he would. So noble, the Captain! Loki would’ve bet his favorite magical staff that he was blushing again, too. Finally finished with the cleaning, he began smearing some kind of ointment over Loki’s wounds. “I’m just confused. You’re a guy, yanno?”

“When it suits me to be, yes.” Loki could almost feel the confusion radiating off Steve and sighed. “Captain, you’ll have to let go of your mortal notions of male or female. I am both, I am neither. I am Loki. That’s all.”


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 04:08:38 UTC
Morrreeee! Woot. I check this fic like 5 times a day for updates. :P Loving Clint and Steve.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) queen_subtle November 21 2011, 05:38:37 UTC
ZOMG please update soon! Totally stalking this!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 08:47:56 UTC
I loooove this story!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 10:36:06 UTC
I hope Coulson gets in on it and helps. Because ;A;.

My fav. line so far was the 'they have no mercy' part. It seriously was intense.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) mimatsuhime November 21 2011, 10:56:51 UTC
Love it !!
Hope we will get new part soon :) *hint, hint*


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) dafnix November 21 2011, 11:02:19 UTC
More please! This is just awesome. I'll keep refreshing the page until there's an update ;)


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 13:37:07 UTC
(first day of work at the new job! yay!)

“That… explains it, I guess. A bit.” Loki smiled at Steve’s comment, and also because whatever he was smearing over Loki’s back was taking a great deal of the pain away. Soon he felt the softness of bandages as Steve gently covered the wounds. But the silence didn’t last. “Okay, so do you need to see a doctor or anything? Not to keep picking at you, but my cousin lost a baby after falling down the stairs, and you’ve been pretty badly beaten, and shot.”

Loki was actually touched by Steve’s persistence. Clear as it was that he was completely uncomfortable with Loki’s “condition,” he was still determined to do everything it took to make sure he was all right. “There is no danger of a miscarriage,” he replied, taking all the mockery from his voice to show Steve how much he appreciated the concern. It wasn’t easy for him, this honestly. He wondered if the good Captain would realize that. “I will answer the question you’re trying to ask, Captain. All I need to carry this child to term is rest and safety. My magic will see to everything else. I’ll be back to normal and able to take care of myself within a few days of the birth. Do you wish to know anything else?”

“No, that’s good.” Steve’s relief at being able to stop his awkward questioning was clear. “That’s good. Thanks.”

“I believe it is I who should be offering thanks,” Loki replied quietly. Now he was the one who was uncomfortable. “I… did not dare hope for your aid, Captain. You are a gentleman.”

He turned and saw Steve smiling at him-awkward, blushing. Loki could understand why he had so many screaming fangirls. The man was the definition of adorable. “It’s Steve, okay?” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You can call me Steve. I’m not Captain America at home.”

“And you may call me Lord Loki, God of Chaos, Master of Evil, Destroyer of Worlds,” Loki said, inclining his head regally.

Steve snorted a laugh. “Now I know you feel better,” he said, and started to put away his first-aid supplies.

Clint killed his motorcycle and put down the kickstand. The Avengers mansion rose before him, white and shining and pissing him off. He pulled off his helmet, hung it on his handlebars, and made sure he had a good grip on his temper before he walked inside.

Thor, Fury, Stark, and the Black Widow were all in the main living area, drinking coffee and snacking on muffins while they watched Mythbusters. Clint stopped dead in the doorway, just staring at Thor in complete and utter disbelief. Muffins? The man kicked his pregnant sibling out and then sat down for some TV and coffee and fucking muffins?

He was seriously going to have to revise his definition of asshole.

“I ran into Loki a little while ago,” he said to the room at large. “Anyone want to tell me why we’re suddenly not arresting him anymore?”

Thor didn’t even look up. “My brother is no danger to us right now.”

“Uh-huh.” Clint tugged off his gloves, feeling his hold on his temper straining. “And why is that?”

“Brace yourself-the bitch is pregnant,” Fury replied. At least he had the decency to turn and face Clint when he said it. “Thor says he can’t do magic while he’s expecting. Can you believe that shit?” He laughed and Thor joined in.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (10/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 13:37:36 UTC
...yeah, that's supposed to be 11/?. Sigh.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (12/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 13:42:19 UTC
Do not attempt to throw Thor down and stomp on his balls. Do not punch Colonel Fury in the throat. It will not end well. Clint repeated the mantra in his head until he felt a little better. “Sounds like a trick to me.”

“It is not,” Thor said, finishing off his muffin, throwing the wrapper on the floor, and reaching for another. “It has happened many times in the past. My brother is… unique, among the gods.”

“Uh-huh.” This was an understatement. “Still not getting why he’s not under arrest. Seems like he can’t kick our asses right now. Might be a good time to grab him.”

“He wants us to arrest him.” Natasha finally spoke up, raising an eyebrow at Clint. “I think you can see the problem there.”

“Just because my brother has no magic does not mean he is in any way helpless,” Thor agreed. “He still has his voice, does he not? He has ever done more damage with words than with any spell.”

“I know a few city blocks that might disagree with you,” Tony spoke up for the first time. From the look on Ironman’s face, this was all news to him. “Seriously, why aren’t we locking him up?”

Thor shrugged as though dismissing the human’s petty concerns. Clint had another brief fantasy involving his bow, an incendiary charge, an arrow, and the god’s nether regions. “I am certain he was planning some mischief and just waiting for the opportunity to get in here to accomplish it.”

“But without his magic, it should be pretty easy to keep it from happening,” Clint pointed out. “Are we not interested in making him pay for his crimes anymore? Did I miss a memo?”

Fury sat back with a long-suffering sigh. “I’m sure he’ll pay plenty, Barton.”

One, two, three, four, five, six, seveneightnineten… Nope, counting to ten still did nothing to stop Clint being pissed off. Who ever came up with that stupid advice anyway? “And that means what, exactly?”

Thor took an enormous bite of a muffin and, mouth full, answered, “His allies have turned on him. He has no safe haven. Have you ever heard the phrase tough love, Clint Barton? Colonel Fury has told me of this concept, where you allow one to experience the consequences of their actions without aiding them. This is supposed to make them realize the error of their ways.” He swallowed hugely, slurped his coffee-damn, gods had no manners-and went on, “I have been unable to get my brother to stop his madness with reason. Perhaps this will work.”

Clint was struck dumb by the sheer heartlessness of Thor’s reasoning. When his voice returned, it didn’t sound like his own. Surely his own voice would be screaming profanity, not speaking so calmly, as though he wasn’t concerned at all. “What about the baby?”

Thor shrugged, and Clint mentally promised himself that he could accidentally misdirect an arrow in their next battle to repay that bit of coldness. “My brother is known as the Mother of Monsters, did you know that?” he said dismissively. “Trust me, Clint Barton, the world loses nothing if his child never draws breath.”

“Uh-huh.” One two three four fucking bastard five cocksucking asshole six seven Goddamned coldhearted… “So Loki’s out of it for a while. How long?”

The Thunder God shrugged again. “Who knows? It depends on what manner of beast he is incubating. Sleipnir took a full year. Jormungand, three months or so. No matter, though. He will be, as you say, out of it for quite a while if I am any judge of Doom. He has a vindictive streak to match my brother’s.”

That’s it. He had to get out of here. “Got things to do,” Clint growled, and spun on his heel and walked out.

(Thor = asshole. Clint = awesome. I love writing Clint!)


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (12/?) dafnix November 21 2011, 14:53:37 UTC
love it! :D Clint is pure awesomeness. *waits for more*


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (12/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 15:17:20 UTC
Love it! Can't wait for the next parts.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (12/?) korilian November 21 2011, 15:45:20 UTC
I'm really glad Clint and Steve are looking out for Loki. I also hope Loki does actually give birth to a monster baby and that it won't matter. ♥


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (12/?) brwneyedrecluse November 21 2011, 16:55:33 UTC
The Avengers mansion rose before him, white and shining and pissing him off.

Awesome line is awesome. XD Oh man, I'm really liking Clint! This is just so amazing! It totally made my day!


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (12/?) anonymous November 21 2011, 18:05:53 UTC


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (12/?) x_eevie November 21 2011, 17:21:38 UTC
Oh my god this is heartbreaking! I could feel my heart rate spiking a bit as I read that last bit with Thor, he's being such an ass. Hooray for Steve and Clint though! And oh my goodness you update so fast, I love you!


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