Round 5

Oct 16, 2011 15:08

Round 5 is now closed.

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Attention: Spoiler policy is now in place. For more information, go here.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any ( Read more... )

round 05, prompt post

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Deliver Me From Evil (2/?) anonymous November 19 2011, 06:29:01 UTC

It took ten and a half hours before Thor arrived.

By this point, every muscle in his body ached and the fatigue alone was enough to make him want to pound his head on the metal table until unconsciousness gave him the rest that sleep denied him. Hiding all this, Loki opened his eyes and turned his head to watch his brother stride in.

Tall, broad as a mountain and twice as immovable when he wanted to be, Thor wore his Æsir armor and carried Mjolnir at his side. “Ahh, the son of Odin finally graces me with his presence,” Loki drawled, swinging his legs down and sitting up as gracefully as though nothing was wrong. “I’d curtsey, but I’m afraid my legs have fallen asleep.”

“Brother,” Thor said, inclining his head slightly without taking his eyes off Loki for an instant. Like Black Widow, he’d also had several memorable lessons in caution when dealing with the Trickster god. “To what do I owe this visit?”

Loki smiled and spread his arms, the very picture of innocence. “Cannot a man call on his brother for purely social reasons?”

Thor raised one blond eyebrow. “When it’s you? No. What do you want, Loki?” Then, the cold, suspicious expression cracking for just a moment, “Steve said you mentioned needing help?”

That crack, brief as it’d been, was what Loki had been waiting for. If Thor had continued to look at him with only distrust, he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to actually say it. That glimpse of real brotherly concern made it possible to force the words out, though. Loki stood, straightened his clothing with a few neat tugs, and finally met Thor’s gaze. “The good captain has the right of it. I did indeed come to request your help,” he said at last. He took a deep breath and just said it. “My magic is gone, brother. Bound away where I cannot access it. As you can imagine, without it I am at something of a disadvantage in my usual circles.”

Thor frowned. “Loki, your magic is only one part of what makes you dangerous,” he replied, not relaxing his stance as Loki had hoped he would. “If your tongue was bound and your mind clouded as well, then I would think you helpless.”

“Much as I appreciate your faith in me,” Loki said dryly, “I would hate to try to talk my way out of-”

Thor cut him off with a raised hand. “You are the God of Lies, brother, and you have taught me well not to take you at your word.”

Loki sighed. Sometimes his well-earned reputation really did bite him on the ass, but he’d still hoped to avoid this. Apparently a thousand years of brotherhood could be poisoned by a mere decade of high spirits. “If it is proof you require, I can provide it,” he said wearily. Reaching down, he unbuckled his coat and draped it over the chair, then carefully tugged his tunic off, too. Bare-chested in the harsh florescent lights, Loki turned so Thor could see the ruin of his back.


Re: Deliver Me From Evil (2/?) anonymous November 19 2011, 06:42:55 UTC
Ack, sorry, no clue why this double-posted! New poster is new! *blush*


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