Round 5

Oct 16, 2011 15:08

Round 5 is now closed.

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NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any ( Read more... )

round 05, prompt post

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Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) anonymous November 1 2011, 05:45:26 UTC
He found a small child adorably claiming to be his reincarnated younger self, with a fake magpie sitting on his shoulder.

Another was a buxom woman wearing a low-cut, skin-tight green satin dress with round gold decorations adorning her gleaming black hair.

There was likewise a man wearing a regrettable green-and-gold spandex bodysuit.

A few more had dressed in more or less accurate Norse garb, from kyrtill to spjarrar. He had to admit that his signature headgear looked odder with those costumes than any of the others.

After a while, he developed a rating system. The Lokis that passed muster were those that excelled not only in the quality of their costume’s construction and the thought that had gone into it (hand-embroidered runes along the hem? An extra point. When those runes did not actually have any meaning or significance or, in some cases, did not exist-well, all gains were cancelled) but also the wearer’s ability to appear both charming and crazy, appealing and perilous. (Of course, the child Loki got a pass on this. Being cute counted for a lot.) A few that night rated 8s or even 9s on his scale, and with whatever godly powers still remained to him, he granted them a bit of trickster luck, may it aid them in unexpected ways. But there were no 10s. Of course there were no 10s. He was the 10, the original, the far-superior Loki of whom all others could only be a pale shadow.

When he was nearly candy-sated for the night and had amused himself thoroughly with his Loki-spotting game, he found one more. Dressed all in green and black, this one was apparently drunk, and locked in a deep kiss with… another somewhat larger human… in red and silver.

He narrowed his eyes.

He couldn’t quite make himself look away. You could almost mistake them, if you tilted your head to one side and squinted.

Interesting, he thought. Trick and treat all in the same package.

He wondered how much Thor knew about Halloween.

He supposed it was time to find out.


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) korilian November 1 2011, 07:43:41 UTC
Heh. I loved Loki being annoyed at the movie, but being narcissistic enough to appreciate the new fan base. And baby!Loki and Ikol! So cute!


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) anonymous November 2 2011, 01:22:37 UTC
Well, having fans makes everything better, y'know? And it ain't easy out there for a trickster deity. ;) Glad you enjoyed this!


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) lunik_the_bard November 1 2011, 07:58:23 UTC
Aah, this is cool! I love Loki's ridiculously high standards, you spent weeks hand embroidering your costume? Well, that's nice, but look! You got this rune wrong! Wasted effort, I'm afraid...

And being cute counts for a whole lot when you're kid Loki!


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) anonymous November 2 2011, 01:27:21 UTC
Yep. He's kind of a jerk like that. :p

Glad you liked this! :D


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) daughter_of_nut November 1 2011, 13:10:07 UTC
That was awesome! Your Loki voice was solid throughout- we got a great reading of his character. Loved the rating system, and his general observations. I loved his reaction to the fake Loki and fake Thor in a drunken clinch! Hee!


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) anonymous November 2 2011, 01:31:12 UTC
Ooh, thank you! It's totally awesome to hear that the voice and characterization worked. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) anonymous January 10 2012, 11:18:48 UTC
Why hello there, new head-canon, lovely to meet you and bask in your awesomeness.
Loki's characterisation in this is flawless and thoroughly believable, and the whole thing is a joy to read. I adore Of course, the child Loki got a pass on this. Being cute counted for a lot., but have an extra-special soft spot for When those runes did not actually have any meaning or significance or, in some cases, did not exist-well, all gains were cancelled. WIN.


anonymous January 10 2012, 14:35:05 UTC
Thank you! It pleases me immensely to hear that this worked for you! :D


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) cancerjanus January 10 2012, 16:19:28 UTC
Loki is most definitely not a noob when it comes to Halloween.


Re: Fill: Midgard on Halloween, Loki/Thor implied (2/2) anonymous April 28 2012, 23:15:06 UTC


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