Round 5

Oct 16, 2011 15:08

Round 5 is now closed.

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Attention: Spoiler policy is now in place. For more information, go here.

NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any ( Read more... )

round 05, prompt post

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Episode 1 Season 1 of ? thingamawhatsit October 27 2011, 19:58:22 UTC
Warning, abuse of puns, exclamation points, alliteration, and onomatopoeia prevail in the upcoming text.

***Nana Nana Nana Nana BATWOMAN***

Silent feet stalked through the darkened halls of Gotham’s Art & History Museum, sliding through shadows, and bypassing late night security guards with ease. Finally a shadowed figure came to a stop in front of the glass display case of an Egyptian mirror featuring the Goddess Bassett.


Claws extend on the tips of one hand and turn slowly until they cut a perfect circle in glass, and carefully draw it away from the rest of the case.

“Puuuuurrrrrrfect. A truly meow~ worthy mirror.”

Crash!! Bang!!

The ceiling window shatters, dark wings blocking the moon light as a figure swings down through the rafters. A bright figure falls through after in a series of flips and twists. The Dynamic Dou, Batwoman and Robyn!

Robyn gives a cheeky grin, one hand resting on the hip of her green covered leggings, the other brushing thick brown curls back over her shoulder. “Holy Hunk, Batwoman!! Looks like we got ourselves a real Tom tonight!”

Catman smirks, the light catching in his well groomed blond goatee. “Well little birdy, you know you can always be my Queen”

“Now now, Robyn, you know we only have eyes for Lady Justice!” Batwoman says. “Now, put back the mirror and turn yourself in to the proper authorities, Catman!! You’re nefarious nay-do-welling-ways will never prosper!”

Catman slips the mirror into a pouch at his side and unfurls the whip at his hip. “As much as I would love to stay and have a tryst with you lovely ladies of the night, I’m afraid tonight is already all booked up.”


Catman’s whip whirls through the air, and wraps around a rafter. He tugs hard and swings up above Batwoman and Robyn’s heads, using their own entrance for his escape, dashing into the night.

“Come Robyn! We must give chase to this dastardly deviant!”

With a swirl of her cape she does just that, and for a moment Robyn is in the Museum on her own. She rolls her eyes under her (prescription) domino lenses, and softly clicks her tongue before giving chase. “Lady Justice. Gee golly, and she wonders why people think we’re lesbians.”

***Nana Nana Nana Nana BATWOMAN***

When Robyn catches up with Batwoman and Catman the two are grappling on a rooftop, and they both seem to be enjoying themselves slightly more than is professional. Robyn reaches into her Utility Belt (Batwom’s is the only Utility Lab Belt, because Robyn doesn’t really see the point of wearing them in the Bat Lab), and pulls out her Batcamera, clicking off a few discreet photos to bring up the next time Batwoman throws a fit over her flirting on the job.

Batwoman catches sight of her and delivers a kick to Catman’s chest, kicking him off of her and grabbing the pouch that held the mirror. Robyn uses the opening to throw a few Birdarangs, forcing Catman farther back.

Catman almost seems to pout beneath his cowl. “Well, as much fun as this might have been ladies, it looks like you have other suitors calling upon you tonight.” He gestures his head towards the sky, and Robyn sees the Batsignal lighting it up, a bright replacement to the new moon’s dark shadow.

When Robyn and Batwoman turn back, Catman has already dashed out of sight.

Batwoman frowns a bit, but she pulls herself together. “We can deliver the mirror to Commissioner Odinson when we find out what the Batsignal is for. Come on old chum.”

***Nana Nana Nana Nana BATWOMAN***

Next time on BATWOMAN the Dynamic Dou face the Grisliest of Gotham Cities Sinister Supervilains in Escape from Asgard Asylum!!


OP who mysteriously cannot log on atm thingamawhatsit October 27 2011, 20:02:58 UTC


Oh my God, I think espresso just came out of my nose. There are so many great lines in this, I don't even have time to comment on them all right now.

I love Robyn to bits and hope those photos end up on the internet some day. ;D

Can't wait for the next episode! This is the best thing ever.


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 of ? thingamawhatsit October 27 2011, 23:31:08 UTC
Escape from Asgard Aylum: same Bat-time, same Bat-kink meme!


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 of ? thingamawhatsit October 28 2011, 07:22:36 UTC
Commissioner Odinson? So... either Thor or Loki? Probably Thor, what with the broadness and whatnot. Except if Thor is Catman, it has to be Loki. Or Balder, if you go a bit further.
Or was the commissioner supposed to be Odin?

Was I correct in thinking Catman is Thor after I read he was blond and had a goatee?

Because to be honest, when you said Tom and Catman, the first thing that came to mind was Loki in something black and skintight. With ears.


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 of ? thingamawhatsit October 28 2011, 13:54:59 UTC
Blond goatee... He can be Fandral. Cat goddess' item is a MIRROR after all.
AND he's flirting.


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 of ? thingamawhatsit October 28 2011, 22:59:40 UTC
Commissioner Odinson is Thor, and that'll be more obvious as we go along, and yes, Fandral is Catman (and the mirror was one of the clues as well)! I tried to make it as obvious as I could, but there didn't seem to be a good place to just state it in this, sorry for the confusion.

From here on out everyone who shows up should be a lot more obvious XD

Glad everyone is enjoying XD


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 Dramatic Reading! thingamawhatsit October 29 2011, 02:00:53 UTC
The wonderful and talanted brwneyedrecluse did a dramatic reading of the episode! Follow the link to listen XD


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 Dramatic Reading! thingamawhatsit October 29 2011, 02:03:42 UTC
(OP) That is glorious! I must listen to this immediately.


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 Dramatic Reading! brwneyedrecluse October 29 2011, 02:11:48 UTC
XD I STILL REGRET NOTHING! (Hope you like it, though! <3)


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 Dramatic Reading! sacred_karcram October 29 2011, 02:13:47 UTC
Bahahaha! I just listened to it and it was brilliant. The last bit of the story was hard to hear, though, because the epic music was louder than your reading.

I love the music and sound effects that went with the reading, though! <3


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 Dramatic Reading! brwneyedrecluse October 29 2011, 02:26:11 UTC
xD Thank you so much! The ending was a bit quiet, to be honest, but fixing it would be hard, so... :D At first I had it without the sound effects, and it just didn't sound right. The sound effects really make it. XD


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 Dramatic Reading! thingamawhatsit November 9 2011, 02:17:22 UTC
How could you do this to me?? I want to listen to the reading, but when I click on the link, I don't get anything to download. Do I need to get an account? D:


Re: Episode 1 Season 1 of ? thingamawhatsit January 9 2012, 08:27:29 UTC
Gloriously camp and silly as fuck. LOVE IT!


Episode 2 - Escape from Asgard Asylum - Intro thingamawhatsit January 17 2012, 04:08:27 UTC
I grew up with the DCAU, and so there was no way Comissioner Thor Odinson was going to be anything other than badass considering who I had to start with. Between that and a bit of set up this part is a little bit less campy than the previous, but when more comes out I promise the campy goodness shall continue unrestrained. In the mean time hope you enjoy.


***Nana Nana Nana Nana BATWOMAN***

Commissioner Thor Odinson paces pensively on the roof top of the Gotham PD. The Batsignal, model Heimdall 9000, is the brightest light in the sky able to pierce through even the thickest of Gotham’s fog and smog to signal her beautiful benefactors. Inside the building's officers prepare for the coming night, donning their riot gear and running through superstitious safety rituals.

Commissioner Odinson is ready as always. His long overcoat on over body armor, the burgundy color catching in the light and fading into the dark in equal measures. His helmet rests comfortingly under his left arm, silver wings reminiscent of his days in the air force stenciled on the side. His right hand brushes his coat away, reflexively running along the handle of his 12 gauge hammer shotgun. Still young compared to many of the other officers, his blond hair longer than is strictly regulation, and the slight beard gracing his jaw doing little to help the image, he isn’t what many would call a typical officer of the law. But then a typical officer of the law would be less likely to take the help of two women dressed in fanciful costumes that barely reach the height of his chest.

“Commissioner.” And that would be a most misinformed mistake. He turns around, finding the dynamic duo behind him on an edge that was empty but a moment ago.

A small smile spreads across his face regardless of the serious situation. “Hail, maiden warriors.”

“Well met, gracious knight.” Robyn bows from her precarious perch atop a gargoyle, the motion moving most majestically into a flip landing on the rooftop. She smiles back at Batwoman, still hidden slightly in the shadows. “See, this is why we keep him around. Big guy has a sense of humor.”

“I’m afraid that’s all the humor I have tonight, ladies. We’ve just gotten word of a riot at Asgard Asylum. Several of Gotham’s grizzly and gruesome escaped in the chaos, including the Clown Prince himself.”

The Trickster; a terrifying trouble maker to be sure.
The criminal once commonly known as Green Hood who upon a brief battle with the newly debuted Batwoman falls into nefarious noxious chemicals, arose from the foul substance a changed man. Skin bleached into a cold blue, red veins shining through like tribal markings, and his face pulled up in a perpetual grin, he turns his tale of tragedy into a comedy of crime.

“No criminal can overcome our combined capabilities, Commisioner. The long arms of the law shall ferret them out wherever they may hide.”

The Commissioner nods at Batwoman. “I never had any doubts in the matter. There is something else though. It looks as though one of the Doctors may be kidnapped, a Doctor Hogun Crane. He was working with several patients at the time of the riot, but so far there isn’t any sign of him.” Commissioner Odinson pulls a file from inside his coat. “You’ll find his basic information in here. We’re working on a warrant to get the details on the research he was doing, but for now this is everything.”

Robyn takes the folder first, flipping it open and studying the picture of the man. He’s a large Asian man, black hair pulled back in a ponytail. His matching beard is grown into a point. The only thing that lightens the portrait at all is the pair of slim glasses perched on his brow. “Sure is a grim fellow, ain’t he.”

“Isn’t, Robyn. A proper hero uses proper English.”

Robyn grins, unrepentant. “Sure thing, boss.”

The door of the roof is thrown open, an officer rushing out. “Commissioner, we just received a report of Two Face in the business district.”

“Send a squad. I’ll be down in a moment to head the team to Asgard.” He turns for a fraction of a second, gesturing for the man to return with his missive. “Excuse me, I-” He turns back to face Batwoman, only to find himself alone on the roof. “Of course. Good luck ladies.”

***Nana Nana Nana Nana BATWOMAN***


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