Round 4

Sep 12, 2011 18:39

Round 4 is now closed.

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NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any ( Read more... )

round 04, prompt post

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Re: [Gen] Nick Fury is Jormungandr anonymous October 7 2011, 12:40:36 UTC
For plotsake, I pretend the whole "Cast down to encircle Midgard while assumed to be underwater" was partially magically bound to Jormungandr. Resulting, of course, in "No man of woman born" rulefrakkery, because Fury is no idiot and magic bonds exist to be thought a way around.
Also, I'm using the picture for some ideas.

The point was, he was made to circle Midgard. And, well, that could be taken in several ways. For starters, Midgard wasn't flat and surrounded by ocean, so the literal interpretation fell right out of the window.
After thinking it over for a bit, he came up with several possibilities:
a. Actually hang out at the bottom of the oceans of Midgard and swim around a bit, which wasn't really such an attractive option because the bottom of the ocean was either boring, covered with life-forms that were weird enough to make any monster he'd ever seen look plain out normal, even if you used Asgardian standards, or too close to the fractures in reality that functioned as gates to worlds Asgardians didn't even think might exist, with really unpleasant inhabitants that made the ocean life in the dark deeps seem positively harmless and very nearly cozy.
b. Take the less obvious interpretation by for example taking over a significant part of the world, except, that was too direct an approach, because that'd mean he'd be at the top, rather than around. Decisions, decisions. Anyway, being part of an organization that hung around just about everywhere significant probably didn't count unless he was one of the most significant members or even leaders. He needed more information, but this spellbinding thing really cramped his style in way of getting out and about and staying shapeshifted long enough to get anything done.
Which meant that he had to ask help. Help that had time on their hands and that he could trust and who wouldn't be noticed as being gone or such while being on midgard. Since he didn't know any midgardians, that meant family.
Hela was kind of busy, mother was kind of dead, father was in asgard and probably busy falling into a slight depression or psychotic break, and since the twins were too young, that left Fenris-úlfr. Fenrir was kind of bound, though. And Jorgumandr wasn't entirely certain the wolf was over that somewhat violent teenage behaviour already. Still, one had to make do.
And the fun part of being the child of a shapeshifter magician, was the magic. And the shapeshifting of course, but right now mostly the magic. So Jorgumandr managed to be above the water long enough to open a portal, slipping trough long enough to knock the sword out of Fenrir's maw, and to drag him back with him on the beach.
Which left Fenrir laying, still bound by forelegs and hindlegs, on the beach, but at least he could talk and actually close his mouth again.
"Thanks." croaked Fenrir. "I was getting really, really tired of that view. And the sword." He closed his maw again and evidently moved his tongue around in an attempt to get rid of what might just be the worst dogbreath one could get with a dried out mouth.
"Brother." said Jormungandr. "Would you like some fish? I'd offer you more, but there's a limit to how long I can withstand my curse, and I'm afraid I've used up my resistance for the next forthnight at the least with getting you here."
"No. Thank you for the offer, but your poison makes food burn more than I can stand right now."
"Would you like to have your shape changed so that your chains are more like mere jewelery upon you and do not restrict your movement so?"
"That would be pleasant. Do it."
So the midgardserpent helped his brother change shape the best he could, which resulted in his brother looking like a dog, bound in some sort of rope, but, seeing as how now at least his brother could move freely, this was a great improvement.


Re: [Gen] Nick Fury is Jormungandr anonymous October 7 2011, 12:43:26 UTC

Fenrir agreed to help gather enough information to be able to pass for midgardians and to find out how to gain enough power or be part of something with enough presence or power to fulfill the rather vaguely worded curse upon Jormungandr.

The nice thing about humans seeing a helpless looking dog with bindings that cut into its skin, was that humans tried and succeeded to untie said bindings and take care of the dog. The water and food were very nice after so long with nothing. Maybe deception and looking harmless were the better options compared to brawling.

Becoming agents and fabricating a past took some skills and talent, but there was skill and talent, so that worked out alright.

In a way, one could say that Nick Fury was SHIELD. In a way, one could say, that SHIELD was everywhere around the world.
The magic retaliated by going "in a way, changing into a form with one eye still hinting at the original form is still a complete shape-change", but that was alright.

Fenrir really found appearing harmless while not being harmless the best thing ever, even if it tried his patience at times. It was his own personal little joke.


Re: [Gen] Nick Fury is Jormungandr korilian October 7 2011, 18:59:23 UTC
Hahaha. I'm now imagining Fenris ending up on animal cops. This was really cute. I love the monsters being clever.


Re: [Gen] Nick Fury is Jormungandr cradle_song October 7 2011, 23:06:11 UTC
Holy crap I LOVE this. Conniving!bending-the-rules!Jormungandr! I adore that you get him and Fenrir (Coulson! TEENAGE COULSON) out of their punishments, fucking seriously Odin, you are a complete asshole.



Re: [Gen] Nick Fury is Jormungandr anonymous October 8 2011, 00:37:25 UTC
Aaaaahhh! <3 This is is so awesome I love it!
I love the idea of Fury and Coulson being the big monsters in disguise and running things from behind the scenes. I love this prompt.


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