Round 4

Sep 12, 2011 18:39

Round 4 is now closed.

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NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that any ( Read more... )

round 04, prompt post

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Fill: The subject line is the title of the fic (2/?) lunik_the_bard October 1 2011, 20:10:41 UTC
Darcy hates today with the passion of a thousand burning suns. She does not need this in her life right now.

She was supposed to spend the day doing make-work for Jane, but Agent Coulson had commandeered her to help corral some SHIELD scientists on a separate project. Just more running around asking people if they’d collated their after-action reports, stuff like that. Darcy can do that stuff in her sleep, even if she has no idea what these particular scientists are supposed to be studying.

If she’d known they were studying supervillain bait, she would never have agreed. This isn’t even in her job description.

Darcy can see her purse from across the room, and in it, her taser. She can also see the tall-dark-and-terrifying Norse god prowling the room in between her and it. She presses herself back against the benchtop and tries to look invisible as every other hostage in the room does exactly the same.

Because Loki’s looking for a victim. She knows that look on his face, she’s seen it in a hundred AARs, and she kind of hates her life that she should recognise the mischievous smirk and lighted eyes of a God who wants to find someone to torment while he waits. He’s swanning around from one huddled group of frightened eggheads to the next, making cutting remarks and laughing at his own jokes. Darcy grips the bench and wishes she was braver and keeps her eyes on the ground.

If... when she gets home, she’s prompting pole dancing Loki fics for the rest of her life. Or pregnant Loki. Or Loki/Hulk slash.

Her mind in the kink meme, Darcy has almost tuned out Loki’s gentle mocking monologue. He’s just talking in this mild, bored-sounding voice, and he has his hands on someone’s lab coat, a balding man with tiny glasses who didn’t bother to introduce himself when Darcy spoke to him an hour ago. And whatever Loki is saying to him snaps back into focus as he smirks, “...there’s a reason why they call me Loki swifter-than-the-wind.”

And because Darcy apparently left all her impulse control at home today, she finds herself saying, aloud, “Fleet footed and caught!”

Loki glances over, and so does his hapless victim, and Darcy can feel her face start to flush. She swallows and ignores the fuck out of that, because there’s no way supervillains can be any scarier than the time Director Fury caught her bypassing the SHIELD online security system to buy DVDs. “Loki swifter-than-the-wind, fleet footed and caught,” she repeats, as if that’s supposed to clarify anything. “Wasn’t that reference deliberate?” Yeah, Darcy. Well done. It was totally deliberate, because Loki - RL Loki, not even RPS Loki - is totally familiar with fics that were only posted on the kink meme yesterday.

He cocks his head and lifts an eyebrow at her, and Darcy starts to really wish she hadn’t spoken up. Then he asks, “Heaven in Your Eyes, by Rosie-underscore-Lea?” and she blinks.

“Uh, no,” she says, not thinking until it’s too late about how dumb it is to contradict a god-cum-supervillain. “Heaven in Your Eyes was that epic Cold War AU, no gods in it at all.”

“Oh, of course.” Loki frowns and taps his fingertips against the corner of his mouth. “So where did I steal that line from?” He leans in to the scientist whose coat lapels are still creased in his hand and whispers into his ear, “Congratulations. You’re off the hook.” Then he drops the man without a second thought and slides grinning onto the bench where Darcy is sitting.

And that’s how Darcy Lewis comes out as a totally inappropriate RPS enthusiast. To Loki. Who is in exactly the same boat.


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