Round 17

May 24, 2014 09:44

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round 17, mod

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Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme May 25 2014, 15:47:10 UTC
Thor does not understand why this is such a bad thing. He says as much to the women who are tending to him, their hands weaving magic over his chest and shoulders to get rid of the brunt of pain. Eir simply snorts in an unladylike manner and leaves the room, while his mother simply smiles at him, a little strained.

“Knowing the thoughts of other is dangerous, my child,” she says softly. “They are a person’s most deepest desires, their own musings, something that belongs to one and one only. Would you be willing to take that away from someone else?”

“But think of all the things this could help with!” Thor argues, his eyes lighting at the thought. “There would be no traitors in the Council, our enemies’ plans would be laid out bare for us.” There were also the secretive thoughts that he did not say; the inner workings of a woman’s mind that he has never understood, the things that his father thought about during dull meetings, Hogun’s thoughts at any time, really.

His mother seems to know where his attention is fading to, and she makes a disapproving noise. “It would do you well to remember that this is a curse, and not a gift, for a reason, my son.” she sighs, standing. “When you are well, I will have food sent to your rooms. Do not leave under any circumstances, am I to be understood?”

“But why?”

His mother shakes her head. “I refuse to have you leave this room when you are pertinent to others’ closest thoughts. I simply won’t allow it, my son. Trust me.” She lays a soft hand on the pocket of his tunic, smoothing it down. “Stay here.”

With a last warning look, his mother leaves the rooms and locks the door. Thor sulks for a while, scowling at where she’s left, but he doesn’t dare try to open that door - no doubt, his mother’s magic has now curled around it and settled. None can defy Frigga’s seidr, for it is too powerful, except for -


Thor sits up straight at the thought of his brother, and he wonders - wonders about the things his brother thinks about, of what keeps him up at night and what catches his eye and of what makes him stare absently at the horizon.

Perhaps he can finally know.

And despite the fact that he knows somewhere inside of him - just knows - that what he’s doing may err on the side of morality, a part of Thor falls into a belief that he’ll be able to get closer to his brother like they were in childhood. They had grown apart, and by the time Loki had come of age, the chasm between them seemed endless, even when they stood so close.

Thor yearns for his brother by his side once more.

Besides - that door isn’t the only way out. Thor looks around for the decorative wall filled with weapons that he has kept for a while, shifting aside the tapestry on the wall to reveal a door. He and Loki had made this when they were younger and Loki was just starting out on his seidr, hidden from most of the world except for his mother and his brother. One of the secrets that Loki had still kept with him.

Thor disappears down the passageway, already knowing where he’s going next.


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme May 25 2014, 16:04:27 UTC
I already like it. Waiting to see what happen next.


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme May 25 2014, 16:14:08 UTC
OP here and I'm already excited! Thank you so much for the fill!


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme May 26 2014, 00:57:40 UTC
Great start!


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme May 27 2014, 23:37:00 UTC
Privacy concerns, in a land where they have a gatekeeper who will listen in to every conversation and watch people sitting on the loo? Thor could seek out Heimdall for a second opinion. :-)

Very nice!


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme May 30 2014, 23:58:26 UTC
Love it! More please :)


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme June 1 2014, 09:25:08 UTC
Your writing is absolutely exquisite! I love your word choice and the way the dialogue is written.


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme October 9 2014, 04:52:03 UTC
Just discovered this and I love it! I hope you continue.


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme October 24 2014, 00:16:23 UTC
oh god i need more


Re: Thor/Loki, TW: suicidal thoughts, consent issues; Belief: 1b/? summerrainsonme November 4 2014, 02:35:09 UTC
Please write more!


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