Round 14

May 01, 2013 21:40

ROUND 14 IS NOW CLOSED - new round will open on Wed. Aug 28, 2013
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round 14, prompt post

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Gen or Loki/Other; TW potential Racism (due to miscommunication); Diplomat!Loki anonymous May 2 2013, 03:44:48 UTC
I just want an AU where Loki was never taken by Odin and so grew up and became the go to ambassador for Jotunheim (because he’s smaller and less dangerous looking but incredibly deadly and smart that he’s earned respect for it; having troubles with another realm? if anyone can trick them into a treaty it’s the second Prince, Loki). So he goes to Midgard to make a deal with the humans (because with how quickly they advance Jotuns need to know they won’t attack them to expand like they attacked Midgard thousands of years ago).
Only problem is after Loki arrives Thor is sent to Earth as well, thinking he’s protecting his Jane’s world from a possible attack.
Que Loki’s assigned roommates/protectors/ambassadors aka the Avengers (minus one God of Thunder) finding out that thousands of years isn’t long enough to ease bad blood between enemies.

TLDR; In which Loki is a Jotun Prince and top diplomat sent to make a treaty with Midgard, and the Avengers (minus Thor) find out that even an advanced Thunder God and blue alien can have racism. Thousands of years of zero communication and bad blood is a pain to deal with, and the diplomat-guard/welcoming team the Avengers quickly dissolves into keep-the-nine-realms-from-war-vengers.

-Thor accusing Loki of what he thinks are regular Jotun practices like carving scars into your children’s skin, cannibalism, leaving their weak young to die in the cold, sacrificing babies to the seas for good fishing seasons, etc
-None of this is true, and alot was never true
-Jotuns have the same type of stories of the cruelty of the Asgardians
-Loki changing form to be able to hold and coo over a baby and telling someone how he misses his own child at home
-it’s too cold for metal on Jotunheim so instead of a ring Loki wears something else to show he’s married
-Loki is amazed at sexism, because on Jotunheim being the mate to bear children is considered a great honor
-Constant tension over the 'stealing'/'confiscating' of the Casket of Ancient Winters
-general cultural differences

(Did I do this correctly? I hope I didn't mess up my first prompt)


Re: Gen or Loki/Other; TW potential Racism (due to miscommunication); Diplomat!Loki futakuchi_onna May 2 2013, 04:19:23 UTC

There's this story that should be very much RTYI.

But it has Jötunn!Loki as diplomat in Asgard. A story where Earth and the Avengers are involved would be really awesome!


Re: Gen or Loki/Other; TW potential Racism (due to miscommunication); Diplomat!Loki kiki564 May 2 2013, 15:01:45 UTC
Thirded! I really wanna see this!


Re: Gen or Loki/Other; TW potential Racism (due to miscommunication); Diplomat!Loki anonymous May 12 2013, 18:13:50 UTC
I need this like I need air. For goodness' sake, someone write it.


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