Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Mjolnir loves Loki amaryllis102 September 18 2012, 19:32:33 UTC
Inspired but prompt above^^^

Who said Loki couldn't wield Mjolnir? Well, okay yea he sort of can't, but sort of.

Here's the thing, while mjlonir is Thor's ultimate war hammer, she happens to adore the hell out of Loki. After all, without him commissioning her to made she wouldn't even exist!

Which leads to a TON of problems in battle when Mjolnir plain refuses to hit Loki. She'll hold him down sure, but if Thor tries to strike Loki with her she'll deliberately swing wide of her target and land a safe distance from him. Thor hates that Loki has such a hold over Mjolnir (in some ways stronger than his own) while Loki is touched his little sentient hammer friend still adores him.

Bonus: you know the way Thor calls Mjolnir in Avengers? Yea, Loki can do that too. He can also use her to do everything Thor does with her except wield her in battle (the power of Thor exclusive). Mostly he just cooes, and cuddles her in his hands and gives her scritches. It does a fantastic job of pissing Thor off in seconds, with the added bonus of pissing off the avengers too. Mjolnir's totally in on it.
+200 for a scene where Loki is sitting with Mjolnir in his lap, stroking/petting her as she purrs away like a bizarre kitten.
+300 Thor never believed he could be this jealous of a sentient hammer. Mjolnir is smug
Infinity: if Loki is literally the only person who Mjolnir will go to besides Thor.


Re: Mjolnir loves Loki maxi1234 September 18 2012, 19:38:34 UTC
HOLY CRAP. This is brilliant. What if, since he commissioned her and without his intervention she wouldn't be as she is now, Loki actually considers Mjolnir as one of his kids?


Re: Mjolnir loves Loki yumitadashi September 18 2012, 19:53:02 UTC
I thought exactly the same thing


Re: Mjolnir loves Loki yumitadashi September 18 2012, 19:52:32 UTC
YES. Seconding!


Re: Mjolnir loves Loki ladynaruto13 September 20 2012, 07:52:03 UTC


[FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 898700 September 22 2012, 03:55:27 UTC
Not exactly what you asked for, dear OP D:


She doesn't exactly remembers not existing, but there's a instant right before she came to be, an eternal second where she was both part soul, part dying star, that defines her being but is swiftly gone like a spark of a newly created universe collapsing into itself at the same moment of its conception.

It is not that she forgets, because how can she recall what happened before she was? There is nowhere to store a recollection, no point of comparison since the place she still doesn't occupy was empty just a flicker before. She knows not of limits, of outlines, of her own identity, and thus let go of this memory she never really had. And it slips through her but it affects her not. She still doesn't know how to mourn.

And then she is. Mjölnir, they call her, but she doesn't need names to describe her sense of self. She is, and she exists, and everything is new and overpowering and she doesn't notice.

And she doesn't know she doesn't notice.

But then he touches her. He isn't the first, not that there have been many before, but there's something in him that calls her, something that thrums through them both when they are in contact, and she realizes. There's emptiness in her that she didn't know existed but now can't ignore. It makes her itch and reach for him, and then he touches again and yes, she's whole.

She gives herself completely, because how else could it be? This is what she was born for.

But there's a prickle of something that never leaves, and in fact gets suddenly worst when she's least expecting it before diminishing, even if it is never gone. She engages in battle with her owner, shares his bloodlust, channels the thunder. It never fails to make her tingle, leave her sated, content.

It never lasts.

And one day he comes to her. She's never paid attention to any command that comes not from her owner, but there's something in him that makes her rise. Her physical uru body moves not but she's reaching, stretching, trying to touch touch touch and this lack of contact hurts.

And he reaches too, and for a long short moment, before he touches her his magic does, and oh.

Oh, how mistaken she was.

There's no emptiness in her, no hole to be filled. Instead she's what left the hole, she is part of a soul, a part that was not taken but freely given, and sorely missed even if she was meant as a gift.

And then they touch, their physical bodies do, and she

she loses herself

she drowns in despair and loneliness and jealousy

she rages and doubts and screams herself raw in everlasting silence

she loves

And is this love what anchors her while trends of painfully familiar magic pull her back, try to protect her, to shield. And it is this, this care and regret and careful handling that makes her pull her sense back.

She is a weapon, Mjölnir the Crusher. She is Power.

It doesn't stop her from enjoying the gentle warmth that roving fingers trail all over her faces, the whispered apologies, the closeness.

She doesn't want to be parted, but he shows her. He says Thor and she feels. She's still cocooned, and yet she feels so much, too much, an overwhelming tide.

She understands.

She has a purpose, and now she knows it.

She allows the separation.

She never forgets.


"Can't you control your weapon?" she hears one of her master's companions ask, but she dismisses them the same way she dismisses almost everything else. It's been too long, far too long, and she's been forced to fight him, and she wants to comply, but for once she can't. She needs, and as every time before, when she reaches he reaches back. Tender fingertips follow the cracks that no one else can see, and while they are tended and fixed and healed she can feel the echoing fractures in the rest of their soul.

"I have missed you," he says, and she hums back at him, the sound something like a purr that startles a laugh out of him. She is so proud of herself. She might not be able to mend him, but no matter the cost she will make sure that he knows.

She will never forget.


Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 amaryllis102 September 22 2012, 05:12:52 UTC
*wibbles* oh, Mjolnir you love your momma/papa don't you!?

This is so much better then anything I could have in visioned! All the feels! I can't, it's so sweet and sad, and wonderful. Poor babies.

You could take a lesson from your hammer Thor. >_>

*Smothers you in kisses for writing this as she feeds you cake*


Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 898700 September 23 2012, 20:16:37 UTC
Thank you dear OP :D!

This was an amazing prompt, and I'm sorry I didn't include most of what you wanted namely Thor's and Loki's thoughts at Mjölnir's love for Loki :(. And I am sure the Avengers are all You got to be kidding me too :(.

Cake :D!


Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 maxi1234 September 22 2012, 06:46:07 UTC
I never thought I'd feel for Mjolnir. ;_; You did a great job, Author!


Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 898700 September 23 2012, 20:18:01 UTC
It was your "Mjölnir as one of Loki's kids" what gave me the idea,so thank You :D :D :D!


Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 semiseverus September 23 2012, 05:49:33 UTC
All...all the Mjolnir feels. And, god, I know the title is Lokisdottir but reading the fic, I can't help but ship it. O.o


Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 898700 September 23 2012, 20:31:15 UTC
Reading it again I can see how it could be seen as a shipping fic. To be honest, it wasn't until I was looking for a title that I decided to name her a child of Loki, but that's not necessarily true.

As my head canon for this story is that Loki gave away part of his soul to make Mjölnir be, theirs is in fact a relationship somewhat like the one exposed in Plato's Symposium, about creatures divided by Zeus which seek to be reunited with their lost other half.



Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 artyartie September 25 2012, 06:13:07 UTC
Fantastic and utterly lovely fill! And extra props for using Greek philosophy!


Re: [FILL] Lokidöttir 1/1 898700 September 29 2012, 05:30:58 UTC
Thank you, lovely reader :3


Re: Mjolnir loves Loki shadowb3e September 22 2012, 06:31:29 UTC


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