Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Brokkr/Loki (non-con/dub con, stockholm syndrom) anonymous September 18 2012, 19:14:11 UTC
Foes of Asgard capture Loki and when he mouths off against them, they get Brokkr to sew his mouth shut. Brokkr is then given Loki as a prize for good service.

He takes out Loki's stitches after binding his magic, every intention of taking whatever pleasure he can get from possessing the prince of Asgard. Only he ends up falling for Loki.

Meanwhile, Odin comes clear to the Frost Giants about Loki and wants their help to get his son back. Though angry, Laufey also wants to save his son.

Non-con/dub-con okay if you want to go there. I just want some kidnapping trope fic ;)

Brokkr as I imagine him:


Re: Brokkr/Loki (non-con/dub con, stockholm syndrom) anonymous September 18 2012, 19:47:45 UTC

I'd read the hell out of this.


Re: Brokkr/Loki (non-con/dub con, stockholm syndrom) amaryllis102 September 18 2012, 20:07:10 UTC
Hell, if Brokkr looks like that I'd read the hell out it too! And I don't even like non/dub-con!



Re: Brokkr/Loki (non-con/dub con, stockholm syndrom) anonymous September 18 2012, 20:29:32 UTC
Yes. This.


Re: Brokkr/Loki (non-con/dub con, stockholm syndrom) darkangle102 September 21 2012, 00:17:37 UTC
I would like to read it


Re: Brokkr/Loki (non-con/dub con, stockholm syndrom) anonymous November 20 2012, 18:41:43 UTC
Sweet Jesus, an amazing promt!

And there can always be an explanation that Brokkr and Co are dark elves and that's why they look so... handsome.


Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1a/?] anonymous December 5 2012, 16:58:59 UTC
Inspiration: Title comes from Woodkid - Iron.
***A small brown rat ran close to the old stone wall, sniffing out crumbs of food that it could hide in one of the many burrows it occupied. But it seemed that the dungeon lacked anything edible as the rat wagged her tail once and disappeared ( ... )


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1b/?] anonymous December 5 2012, 17:03:01 UTC
The young man tried to move, but agonizing pain coursed through his body immediately and made him clench his teeth as not to cry out. Loki stilled at once and slowly returned to his previous position, leaving the ghost of his injuries ache slightly ( ... )


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] anonymous December 5 2012, 17:06:51 UTC
***He was led through the halls of the fortress, and there was nothing else these cold grey walls without any decoration could be. A fortress for keeping prisoners and for protection against aggression of other Svartalfar Lords, no doubt ( ... )


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] anonymous December 6 2012, 04:30:32 UTC
Oh My, it is... awesome! Will there be more?


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] anutty1 December 6 2012, 05:30:27 UTC
Excellent writing; I hope there is more!


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] anonymous December 6 2012, 06:10:18 UTC
Color me interested, I'll follow this.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] maxi1234 December 6 2012, 15:42:21 UTC
Oooh, interesting start! I hope to see more soon.


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] anonymous December 7 2012, 11:28:33 UTC
This is hitting all my buttons!


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] lokibitch07 December 7 2012, 19:39:15 UTC
Argh.... I LOVE it when Loki fights back...
I hope we get to read a little more about his..ahm...possession by the Svartalfar.
Cause, you know, I am going to hell already, so that would make it even more worth it!


Re: Where Innocence is burned in Flames. [Part 1c/?] semiseverus December 7 2012, 22:46:36 UTC
Wow, this is a fantastic start! I hope there's more! :D


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