Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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GEN, Thor, Mjolnir, anyone else anonymous September 18 2012, 19:02:57 UTC
Contrary to popular belief, Thor is not the only one worthy of wielding Mjolnir. He’s just the only one worthy of wielding her as a weapon in battle. Other people can use her too, just for different purposes.

Tony is totally worthy of using Mjolnir to build awesome tech.

Jane can use her to call down the thunder to power her home-made wormhole-generator.

Clint gets to use her to FLY!

Hulk gets to play whack-a-mole/wave her around and make airplane noises to calm down.

When the hammer is in a particulary trollish mood, Loki gets to put her in inconvenient places so people will trip over her. Though he has to be careful she doesn’t change her mind halfway through and crushes his foot instead.

Someone else is allowed to use her as a paperweight.

Two others are so fraught with UST that Mjolnir promptly promotes them to being worthy to make her stop their doors and finally keep out all those pesky cockblockers. (het or lesbian ships only please, and no Darcy. she’s like everybody’s baby sister to me.)

Et cetera et cetera! The more the merrier!


Re: GEN, Thor, Mjolnir, anyone else anonymous September 18 2012, 19:14:11 UTC
Oh my gosh, yes. Just yes. This prompt is hilarious XD


Re: GEN, Thor, Mjolnir, anyone else anonymous September 19 2012, 12:30:29 UTC
Pure genius. I need to see this.


Re: GEN, Thor, Mjolnir, anyone else anonymous September 24 2012, 19:15:36 UTC
The paperweight-wielder should definitely be Coulson. How else is he supposed to complete his paperwork with Norse gods summoning miniature hurricanes indoors?!


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