Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape anonymous September 18 2012, 18:52:55 UTC
I don't know if this has already been prompted, but I was searching for this kind of fic and couldn't find one.

What if Thor was abused by Odin for years growing up. Maybe he didn't think anyone would believe him, because he was the golden prince and Odin's favourite.

I'd quite like to see something where Loki finds out and takes his brothers side. Loki helps Thor stand up to Odin and is basically the best brother ever, revealing Odin for the nasty person he is.

It could be set while they were still children or when they were grown up, I don't mind.


Re: Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape anonymous September 19 2012, 10:25:39 UTC
Oh - seconded! I'd love to see some Thor - Odin interaction like this. Hope someone fills this!


Re: Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape anonymous September 19 2012, 12:27:31 UTC
Love the idea. LOKI protecting and helping out his loved-by-all, golden-boy brother for once! Please someone fill this.


Re: Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape missberrycake October 7 2012, 20:18:27 UTC
Hello ...

Here is fic!

I Will Hold on With All of My Might

I sort of just threw words on a page, hopefully it's something like what you wanted.


Re: Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape anonymous August 4 2013, 22:00:36 UTC
Heimdall and his weird sense of when to disregard his king's orders ...
That spineless henchman could have stopped that years earlier, grrr.
And then they let Odin loose on Vanaheim.
(Not to criticize your story, but Asgard's justice.)


Re: Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape hanna377148 August 3 2013, 09:07:40 UTC
I wrote a fill for this :)



Re: Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape anonymous August 4 2013, 23:06:35 UTC
Well done, really disturbing.

I think Thor made a major mistake by handing Gungnir back to Odin. Thor knows that his father can take his powers and Mjölnir away from him any time he sees fit, leaving him defenseless. I doubt he'd dare be in the same room alone with Odin. Loki might have suggested declaring the old man senile and moving him to a nice quiet dungeon/countryside mansion, Thor keeping the throne. ^^

This "Loki Laufeyson" must be really jarring. Even if Odin disowned Loki (which might require some formalities), I doubt Loki would accept that patronymic instead. Odin must have terrified both his sons all their lives for Loki not to protest.


Re: Odin/Thor, Warning - Child Abuse, Rape hanna377148 August 5 2013, 01:43:32 UTC
Thor isn't up to the throne yet, he's barely had months of not being abused to get his strength back- when he's ready he'll take over and he'll make sure to have Loki with him and fuck anyone who says he can't be there.

I didn't really get into it but my backstory is that Loki was often abused as well, just not sexually, and he was so bitter about his own abuse he didn't see Thor's, and Thor was too scared of Odin to try and fight him over Loki's.

I don't go for abusive!Odin normally but, well, when I can hurt Thor I'll take it :)


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