Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 4 anonymous October 14 2012, 20:36:22 UTC
Namor had left several hours ago and Loki was trying desperately to hold back his tears, he was so ashamed, at some point during that he had begun to enjoy it, and he had started begging for more. Worst of all when the seed had entered his womb he had felt it.
He tried to remind himself that it was not his worst heat, he reminded himself that he had gone into heat just as the dwarves had finished sewing up his mouth and they had taken full advantage; and he had been the asgardian equivilent of thirteen when Sleipnir was concieved, desperately crying out for his father to come and save him, but the cries had been unanswered.
He really didn't want to be pregnant, at least not with this man's child, there was a certain... other person that he wouldn't mind going through the heat with, but they would never want him back so that didn't matter.
He really didn't want to have to take leave from work, he enjoyed work. Odin's Eyepatch! Just when he'd turned his life around, something like this just had to happen. He began to cry.
At this point, he even wished it had been the dwarves instead.


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 4 longbca October 15 2012, 09:25:00 UTC
Someone needs to notice like now! Poor Loki!


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 5 anonymous October 15 2012, 18:39:21 UTC
When Loki arrived home from work on a day two weeks late, Namor was already waiting for him. without turning his head towards the other man he sighed. "You want me to take the test again, right?" at the other man's nod he took deep breaths and tried to calm himself.
Namor grabbed his arm hard and dragged him into the bathroom. He theorised that the bruises that were left would stay on his skin for at least three weeks. The other man forcefully pulled the zip of his trousers down and holding the test out for him to take.
Much to Loki's horror the test changed colour, indicating that he was pregnant, some small part of him had always hoped that if he spent too long without getting pregnant then Namor would assume that he had already been through menopause and leave him.
The Atlantean had gained a large grin as he stared at the pregnancy test, as the man dragged him closer and pressed a forceful kiss to his lips. Loki was too scared to even struggle.


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 6 part A anonymous October 15 2012, 20:22:14 UTC
It had been a few months since the start of this entire mess and Loki was now about two months pregnant. It was now the middle of December and SHIELD was having its annual Christmas party.
Atlantis was apparently in the middle of an international incident and Namor had been gone for nearly a week now, which was good because the other man had hardly stopped watching him since the pregnancy test out of fear that he would get an abortion.
Loki was actually enjoying spending time with the people he worked with, probably for the last time until the birth.
Thor had dared him into a drinking contest with a beverage that the man at the bar had referred to as a "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster" which Loki was fairly certain was the closest to pure alcohol one could drink without convulsing on the floor.
One of the effects that the beverage seemed to have on him was that it appeared to cause a pseudo-heat in him and by the sixth such beverage he had somehow taken up a similarly inebrited Stark's offer of sitting in his lap and was now cheerfully grinding against him.
He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, "I think that I should take you home..." the man with the eyepatch said, in his drunken state Loki was having great difficulty putting names to faces and finally came out with.
"Very well, father, I shall adhere to your request..." he swayed a little in place.
"Yes, you definitely need to go home now".
Somewhere in Loki's drink addled mind he recognised that home was really not a safe place to be going in this state, particularly not at this time, so he whimpered desperately "Please no... I can't go back tonight" by this point he couldn't keep standing and fell foward into the warm pair of arms in front of arms in front of him, already sound asleep.


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 6 part B anonymous October 15 2012, 21:00:11 UTC
Fury hoisted the slight god up into his arms, and the slim man started to snuggle into his shoulder.
He dreaded the thought of having to send another memo about alcohol to his employees, but every single year these drinking contests took place, it was amazing that there weren't more reports of liver failure from the medical division.
Taking a glance at the man resting his head on his shoulder, he realised that a Loki that was left on his own in his house would be a Loki that would attempt to cook midight breakfast and blow his house up, that or drunkenly summon dead kings, at least two members of the G8 had been incredibly pissed off that the Hundred Years War had apparently restarted without their knowledge the last time the god had gotten slightly tipsy.
With those thoughts in mind he got into his car, placing Loki in the passenger seat and started driving towards his own home.
After some time the god started to make small noises, and to Fury's horror it sounded like he was saying, "No... please... don't touch me...don't want"


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 6 part B longbca October 16 2012, 10:13:10 UTC
Fury knows something! Finally!


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 6 part B anonymous October 16 2012, 21:05:35 UTC
When Loki woke up the next morning he found himself in a strange bedroom, where apparently someone had cared enough to place a blanket over the top of the duvet at some point during his sleep. He was glad of this because the morning was quite cold.
He tried to remember anything about last night that could have led to him being in this position, but after Thor's attempt at starting some "Brotherly Bonding Time", which apparently was an endeavor which required them both to be completely pissed, there was absolutely nothing.
Luckily, the odd placement of his self at the moment meant that he didn't have to face the wrath of Namor for a while. The thought of how angry the other man would be if his drinking damaged his spawn.
At that moment the door opened and his employer stepped in, Loki awaited the start of the ineitable swearing tirade at his stupidity that was bound to come.
Instead what he got was: "How are you feeling?" Fury looked so incredibly awkward when he said that that Loki nearly burst out laughing.
He let a small smirk cross his face "Well... I have the most terrible headache..."
"Let me guess, like someone smashed your brains out with a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick?" Fury was actually smiling at him, that was odd.
"Well more like someone had shot the lemon-wrapped brick at me through a cannon, but I guess the sentiment is the same".
The other man had sat on the bed next to him, looking like he wanted to say something.
"Director Fury...?" Loki prompted.
The man pushed a stray piece of hair out of Loki's face, and slowly as if unsure of the words to say said "Are there any problems that you have that you might wish to talk about".
Loki stared in shock, quickly he wondered if he should tell the man that he was pregnant, but realising that that would only m ake the inevitable maternity leave sooner, then he would be alone. Making up his mind he spoke.
"Nothing that you should feel forced to concern yourself with".


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 7 anonymous October 17 2012, 19:50:04 UTC
The two men sat staring at each other for a long while, both uncertain of what to say next.
After several minutes had passed, Fury slowly got up, reaching out to pat Loki on the shoulder, before turning to leave the room.
However, a pained noise made him turn back, Loki was doubled over, clutching at his stomach.
Rushing back to the bed, Fury put his hand over the other mans. "What's wrong, are you hurt?" he whispered in a concerned voice.
Loki whimpered. "There was a baby..."
Horrifying pictures assembled themselves in Fury's mind. "We need to get you to a hospital, right now."
The other man started laughing hysterically, "If I go to a hospital, he'll find out".
Picking up the other man, Fury wrapped his arms around him tightly, "You just need to calm down", as the other man stared taking deep breaths he growled "who is the father?" Loki looked at him in fear, Fury instantly regretted his tone, the poor man was probably expecting him to hit him or something, Loki suddenly took a breath and spoke "...Namor".
Fury clenched his teeth but didn't speak, carrying the alien prince to his car for the second time in twelve hours.
Hours later, in the hospital, Loki slept, the doctors had been able to save the baby. Fury had sat by his side for hours, incase the father of the baby showed up, and now that he hadn't... well Fury was just going to go looking for him.
Before standing up he placed a kiss on the pale man's forehead. Then he quietly left the room.
Fury was going to kill that motherfucker


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 7 ladynaruto13 October 18 2012, 20:36:42 UTC
This is intresting. Poor Loki! Go Fury!!!


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 8A anonymous October 19 2012, 19:07:51 UTC
Namor was in the middle of a diplomatic meeting with Victor Von Doom, well it was called diplomatic meeting, it was really just two supervillains gossipping about other supervillains.
"Did you hear about Carnage's humiliating defeat by the Child Avengers last week..." Doom smirked.
"Ah yes, I believe that we should not let that one go for several years". Namor laughed, "And Amora has taken at least six men into her bed this week, but as usual in such circumstances it is impossible to tell if she is actually planning anything".
"Speaking of taking people to bed, DOOM does not approve of your treatment of the trickster" Doom growled.
"Men who can't admit their homosexual attraction to the God of Mischief don't get to display disapproval" Namor smirked.
"You do realise that he has miscarried," Doom stated.
"And I can just impregnate him again, its not like the child would have any use for about twelve years".
Doom shot him a look that indicated that Namor would be thrown through the ceiling soon, however when the door to the room smashed open he simply teleported away.
Namor looked at an extremely pissed off looking director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with an expression of complete shock.
And that was when a fist hit his face.


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 8B anonymous October 20 2012, 20:06:46 UTC
Namor found himself on the floor staring up at Fury, it was hard to admit but the look on the other man's face made him absolutely terrified.

"Just to make things clear," Fury growled "Loki might be fucking insane, but he belongs to me".

"I haven't seen your name branded on his skin," Namor smirked up at the other man "and I have seen all of his skin".

Fury's eyes flashed dangerously, and he grabbed Namor by the throat.

"Does it anger you that I have seen what you never will".

The hand around his throat tightened and Namor found himself lifted up into the air, "If I had to force him I would never want to see him like that".

Another fist hit Namor in the face cutting off his next words.

"And if I ever hear about you touching him again, I'll shoot your motherfucking brains out" and then Fury threw him through a wall.


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 8B anonymous October 23 2012, 11:21:50 UTC
more more plz?? don't let it end!

just lol, and that Namor-dick had it comming!!


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 9A anonymous October 23 2012, 20:37:43 UTC
When Loki woke up the room was empty and there was a chill in the room, so he pulled the sheets up over his shoulders in an effort to stave off the cold.

Several minutes later a doctor walked in, "Sir, I'm afraid that we were unable to save your child", he was being incredibly professional for man who had probably viewed the first pregnant man that Midgard had ever seen, Loki thought.
"The man you came in with mentioned that the baby was not consensual, at least in between all the swearing," This made Loki smile "So I'm afraid that you're going to have to be tested for any sexually transmitted diseases, it's the standard procedure with rape victims I'm afraid..." he reached out an arm to help Loki stand up.

Standard tests had a tendency to be very uncomfortable Loki mused as he waited for the hospital to find a way to contact Director Fury, it was taking much longer than expected because apparently he had taken a sudden trip to Latveria, although Loki had no idea why, Doctor Doom hadn't been involved in any plans for weeks, a least according to the godly communication system (which was actually just Hermes and a mobile phone, but you couldn't really knock things that worked).

It would be anything from 48 hours to two weeks until he received the results from the tests, and the staff at the hospital had all agreed that it would alright to let him go home, but they were much less keen on the idea of letting him go alone, it as generally agree that since his abuser had clearly managed to find a way into his home.

Explaining to Agent Coulson exactly why Loki needed Fury to go to a hospital was incredibly difficult, as Loki was rather against allowing too many people to find out about his humiliation and for the most part the explanation went: "...Well there was an incident involving Namor... and an unborn child". Which really just made Coulson want to go and fill out paperwork of the aforementioned incident, so in the end Loki just had to do the unthinkable... tell him the truth.

Coulson appeared to be incredibly angered by what he had been told and Loki vaguely wondered whether he had caused the man problems by informing him. The agent had been adamant that if Fury was not back within two hours then he would drive Loki home himself; this caused Loki to hope that Fury would indeed come soon as he really, really didn't want to have to clean up all the spilled flour that was sure to exist if there actually was an intruder. He tried not to think about the fact that this flippant thought showed that he would actually feel safe with Coulson.

He hung up on the agent, after giving his assurances that "Yes, he would most certainly call back in two hours," and "No, at no point would he even consider trying to get home on his own".

Just at that moment Fury walked through the door.


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 9A anonymous October 26 2012, 20:21:31 UTC
"Hey," Fury stated nonchalantly, especially considering his good eye was starting to swell up, he had a split lip and there was quite a lot of blood on his clothes.
"Director Fury, I see that your confrontation with Victor must have gone well..." Loki stated mildly.
"...What?" Fury was clearly worried that Loki still had some source of information of the going on of the criminal world, it was fairly obvious that the people at S.H.I.E.L.D were keeping an eye on him incase he relapsed into villainy, taking him out for group nights in a plainly obvious way of cutting down his time alone, no matter how friendly they acted.
He faked a smile and held up his phone "...Coulson".
"Oh," Fury walked over and sat next to him, placing a hand over his, the skin on his knuckles was broken and covered in dried blood, "I'll be taking you back to my house now".
"I will be perfectly fine at my house".
"I'm not letting you stay at a house where you were raped," he squeezed Loki's hand then gave him a small smile, before helping him up and starting the walk to his car "incidentally, I'm taking you out to dinner first, it must have been at least twelve hour since you last ate, probably more".
"But... why"
"Because otherwise you'll start to suffer from malnutrition".
"No... I meant..." Loki's eyes had started to vaguely resemble a puppy left in the snow.
"Seriously? I was attempting to ask you on a date, but it's been at least twenty years since my last one so I must be out of practice".
"Oh, well I have never actually taken part in any such activities, so I believe that such an occasion would at least be educational". He turned his head in a futile attempt to hide his blush.
"Do they not have dates on Asgard?"
"Mainly people just sneak out of feasts and find somewhere to expend their energys, before returning within the hour sweaty and with straw stuck all over them", he smirked while guaging Fury's expression, before continuing "on Jotunheim everyone goes into heat every so often, rutting desperately every few months; in Alfheim there is a definite concept of polygamy, entirely sexual of course, especially among nobles".
"So, nobody has ever bothered to spend time getting to know you when they found themselves attracted to you?"
"Believe me, Director, it has been a long time since there has been a person who was attracted to me" his eyes had turned very sad.
By now they had reached the car, "Well I find you very attractive," Fury stated, "Is it too soon to kiss you? Because I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable".
"You can do what you want, Director", Loki smirked.
"Well, if I'm going to take you on a date, you have to call me by my first name".
The puppy eyes had returned "...N-Nicholas?"
Their lips met suddenly, and the kiss ended up lasting longer than either intended, and when they pulled apart Fury smiled "So Jotun go through heat every few months, right?"
"Oh no, sir!" Loki smiled innocently "I couldn't possibly ask a ninety-year-old man to keep up with my libido during those times".
Fury growled "I don't want to be lectured on age by a man who can give an eye-witness account of the Battle of Hastings".
"But I was just a child," Loki whined.
Then their lips met again.


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 9A anonymous October 26 2012, 20:57:09 UTC
Oh and the author again: I've put the entire thing up on my tumblr. Here:


Re: Random Villain/Loki, Abusive Relationship, Non-con, Protective Fury or Coulson part 6 part B anonymous October 17 2012, 03:31:43 UTC
!!!! so excited!! Wonder how Fury's gonna react?


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