Round 12

Sep 18, 2012 12:43


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round 12, prompt post

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[Fill] Loki Knows when Thor is Injured [6b/6] [character death] anonymous September 26 2012, 04:58:41 UTC
It is Loki’s turn to cock his head and widen his eyes, albeit in utter confusion.

“You…what now?”

Thor smiled, tentatively. “I tried to ask you before….before you left.” A flicker of a shadow passed in front of Loki’s face. Thor hastily adds, “Even before that, when I was first to be crowned king, my first official act was going to be to name you my advisor.”

Loki’s mouth opened and closed a few times.

“Oh.” He managed at last.

Thor’s grin widened. “Is that a yes?”

Loki raised a haughty eyebrow. “Does that mean that you will actually listen to me when I advise you?”

“Of course,” Thor replied easily. At Loki’s unimpressed stare: “Well, even if I do not, I know that you will be able to find me and drag me out of trouble.”

“I would prefer it if you refrained from stabbing yourself to get my attention,” Loki deadpanned.

“Perhaps…you could teach me how to summon you as my first lesson?”

Loki’s lip curled in disdain. “I will never teach you how to ‘summon’ me, Thor. I will, however, teach you how to ‘call’ for me.”

Thor reached out to wrap an arm around his brother, ignoring Loki’s undignified squawk.

“Come then, brother, and let us learn to rule together!”

“I already know how to rule, brother,” Loki grumbled, rolling his eyes and summoning the magic to transport them back to Asgard.

(Trial 3694: The protection spell continues to work without fail. Unfortunately I am now faced with a new set of problems as Thor now knows how to call me and he does so ‘incessantly’. I am devising a ‘mute button’, as Tony would call it, so that I may have a moment’s peace.

It must be some kind of miracle that I haven’t killed him yet, or perhaps a cruel cosmic joke.


((Thank you for reading! Hope this fills at least part of the prompt!))


Re: [Fill] Loki Knows when Thor is Injured [6b/6] [character death] anonymous September 28 2012, 00:10:55 UTC
This is so beautiful. How you showed the changing relationship between Thor and Loki (and something unchanging with it) through the passing of time was truly amazing. The last three parts are expecially, fatally wonderful...
The ending killed me with happiness. Thank you for the wonderful work!


Re: [Fill] Loki Knows when Thor is Injured [6b/6] [character death] anonymous September 30 2012, 01:59:50 UTC
I'm so glad you liked! Thank you for your kind words!


Re: [Fill] Loki Knows when Thor is Injured [6b/6] [character death] anonymous October 7 2012, 00:45:21 UTC
Lovely! Funny, sad, touching by turns. And a great ending.


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