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spit and polish for my first multichaptered fic anonymous July 11 2012, 23:12:03 UTC
Title: Untitled (so far)
Genre: AU, angst, h/c, occasional fluff
Characters: gen, Loki, male OC, Thor, Odin, Frigga
Trigger warning: sexual harassment (non-con), violence, racism against Jötnar.
Length: WIP, four chapters with 10400 words so far. I'm thinking there will be about three more chapters.
Type of Beta I would like: Is it too greedy to ask for everything? I am sure I need some grammar/spelling help, but I would also really appreciate someone critical about plot and expression, maybe characterization and realistic emotional reactions (I'm sending poor Loki on quite a roller coaster and I don't want to risk veering into the pathetic). I like the story so far but I'm sure it could do with some polish. As this is the first story I truly have to think about development I would love a Beta reader who can tell me 'Sorry, but delete this, it doesn't fit at all and the writing is rubbish' (the sorry is optional ;-).

Short summary: A response to a norsekink prompt here. In short: Someone of nobility in Asgard discovers Loki is a Jotun when the prince is still rather young (equivalent of 16/17 maybe), and is disgusted. Everyone knows the rumors that Odin couldn't give two shits about Loki when he's got the perfect son in Thor, so he starts harassing Loki sexually and threatening him.

The whole prompt and my first four chapters can be found here:

If you are interested I would love to hear from you. Thank you!


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