Mar 30, 2007 09:58
So I'm back in Germany for the start (that's right, the START) of second semester, which begins on Monday. I don't know why they didn't just wait a week, since next Sunday is Easter and they're giving us Good Friday and Easter Monday off too, but oh well. It is not for me to attempt to fathom the labyrinthine minds that run the German university system. I might get lost in there. Speaking of getting lost, I have no idea where the rooms are for most of my classes next week, so that's something I need to get working on today, in addition to figuring out what classes I actually want to visit. Note that I know what classes I'm going to be taking at Rochester for the Fall semester BEFORE I know what classes I'm going to be taking here in Germany for the Summer Semester, which starts in three days.
I'm feeling a bit of a let-down after being home, but I guess that's just to be expected. It was nice to see my family again and to not have to take care of everything myself for a change. And it was nice to get decent Chinese food again, and Stoneyfield chocolate yogurt. I am so bringing an entire cooler of that stuff with me to Rochester next year. Speaking of next year, I'll get to have a SINGLE next year! It's going to be awesome. Joyce is the best room mate ever, but at this point we're just old enough that we want our own spaces.
Before heading home though, I went to Vienna and Salzburg with my Turkish friend Ayse, which was a lot of fun, and went on a two week whirlwind tour of Italy with Donte, who also goes to UR, which was AWESOME. I'll try to update on those soon, or at least before my next trip, which is to Krakow April 12-15. After that is Dublin April 26-May 1, then Paris May 17-20. And I might try to drag myself out of my depression by arranging for a trip to Prague at the end of May. For now though, since my stomach seems to have calmed down a bit, I think I'll go try to do some more unpacking. So, hope all of you are doing well, and leave me a comment or two, or three, or twenty...