Apr 29, 2005 16:30
Oh my gods! today has been seriously strange. It all started because I wanted to sleep in. . . the phone rang while I was still in bed and the caller was for the lovely Shoua who happened to be eating breakfast outside because she didn't want to wake me. Next when I finally woke up I found out my bra had dropped down behind the drawers and was lying in the hollow space underneath the dresser. Of course I couldn't just take out the drawer because the way my corner is situated I can't take the drawer out. I had to move the entire dresser out of the corner which took at least fifteen minutes and take out the stupid drawer so I could get my stupid bra. Then I realized I had to finish a paper in an hour and a half I'll specify why later. I ended up being late to my physics class (today was rather slow and pointless no fabulous epiphanies). Then after physics I realized I hadn't taken my medicine so I had to run back to Kitt, but before I did that I wanted to see if the lovely Mish would be going to lunch. She was but at 1:30 after which she was going to target and I had a class at two. I went back to my room to take my medicine then realized that I need something from target. After leaving and coming back into the room many times because I kept on forgetting things, I went back to the science building and hunted down mish. After that the cuteness of my day happened. . . As I was exiting the science building, I saw this guy walking to the science building he had a mohawk and looked like a punk but this squirrel was following him. Halfway down the sidewalk he stopped an broke off a piece of his lunch. He then hand fed the squirrel. It was soooo adorable and he didn't think anyone saw, he had to keep up his tough guy appearance. So I told him that that was really cute and he was all like "well hrpf he was following me what else should I have done." After that I went to lunch then ran to latin and chatted with Sean before Latin. Latin class would have been fun but I was waiting because I had a mission after latin I had to delay Sean because his girlfriend had StalkerNet me and asked me to because it is his birthday today and she wanted to surprise him with a party and cake and such and needed a little extra time. Well that's why I finished my paper because that was the only way I coul.d think to delay him. However the delay and device were pointless becuase he went to the nurse afterwards. I came back met his girlfriend and told her what happened and I left to watch MASH with Mish. Now I get to go have blueberry pancakes in the cafe.