this day

Nov 19, 2004 09:18

It is a beautiful day today. The day is misty with fog, that perfect gray shade that lifts up your heart. The rain is gently pitter-pattering down. The only sounds in the residence hall are that of my music, the heaters working and the sweet cool rain filtering down from the sky. As I was walking back down the hill after breakfast, I saw Hilleboe framed by gray with the dead vines clinging to the side. It is one of the three "Hogwarts" residence halls on campus and is connected to Kittlesby, my residence hall. Kitt looks terrible compared to the quiet ancient elegance of Hilleboe. Kitt was built in a modern style. It truly is depressing to know that I am in one of the uglier residence halls on campus.

I hear you asking: why does this chick use residence hall instead of dorm?
Let me inform you of a few things regarding my chosen school, go oles, first of all they are no longer called dorms because that 'projects a negative image' and secondly I am not a freshman, I'm a first year. Admittedly St. Olaf does have its quirks but I love it here. I would like to share a little song with everyone, it is very amusing, it is the spoof that Carleton, the other college in town, came up with, but I think stolaf students like it better:

We come from St. Olaf,
we wear cashmere sweaters,
we live on a hill to be closer to God,
we don't smoke, we don't drink,
at least that's what they think,
and under the covers we . . . Um Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Um Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Um Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Um Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Um Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Um Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Um Ya Ya
Um Ya Ya Ya

Although I have to say I really must learn the original fight song. I love it here, although I am so far from home and all my friends. I have made a few friends up here, Mish is my Physics buddy, but she is changing her major:(, then there is Aurora,the only person that has made religion bearable, only 6 more classes hoorah!

Well I have to go. . . I must at least sort of study for my Linear Algebra test. But before I go I have to share a poem I wrote, and for those of you who know me you will understand. . .

Vindicta Arborum

Arbores silvasque verere tantas!
Se improbas in nam patrias movebunt.
Supprimeris arboribus iam honestis.
Silva venit nunc!

valete amici
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