Presenting a fic...

May 31, 2007 15:29

Greetings James x Elizabeth fans! I just wanted to introduce myself and offer a fic concerning what I thought could have happened after AWE. I won't ramble about how disappointed I was in the treatment Norry got, because I'm sure we're all sick of it by now. Please keep in mind that I just saw the movie yesterday, and though I paid as much attention as possible, I still couldn't get all the God-forsaken twists details, so I apologize if this seems off. It's also my first time writing in PotC verse ^_^ Enjoy!

Title: Living Sacrifice
Spoilers: Der, yeah!
Character(s): William Turner, Bootstrap Bill Turner, James Norrington, and mentions of Elizabeth Swann Turner
Pairing(s): Will x Elizabeth & James x Elizabeth
Rating: PG
Genre(s): Angst & Romance
Word Count: 2,123
Notes: My thoughts on what Will could have done now that he was the Captain of the Flying Dutchman...

Living Sacrifice

In his first days as Captain of the Flying Dutchman, William Turner was quick to change the way things had been working for the last several decades. No more of this terrorizing and fearing death - when he would approach a hopeless sailor, he would offer comfort in that the seas to where they were sailing would be peaceful. Their souls would be content for eternity, while his ached day and night missing his beloved. He did not have his heart, physically at least, but those feelings were the very casing of his body now. Will was doing this for her, to make that one day in ten years the sweetest day for the next decade.

But he worried for her loneliness, berating himself for having to only see her once in such a large span of time. He would have asked Jack or another friend to look after her, but since the crafty pirates had already set off another adventure, he wasn’t about to risk her life again.

And so he fretted; tried to conjure someone to watch over her, and again each time he came up empty. Norrington had met a tragic fate, he had heard, as had Elizabeth’s dear father, a weak man in physical prowess, but a loving parent to his only child. Now that child, Will’s precious wife was indeed alone with no one to look out for her well-being - he feared a grim future awaited her in the years to come that she waited for him.

“Captain Turner.” Bootstrap Bill said to his commander for a son, a rather saddened look on his aging features. “We’ve got a lost man just off the port - you better come take a look.”

Without wasting a moment, Will followed his father to the right side of the ship, only to see the floating body of a man dead for but a couple of days. But just a matter of hours at sea when you’re dead doesn’t matter - your skin is paler than an arctic sunrise, and your body stiffer than the finest lumber to craft a ship. This man, however, was no stranger to William Turner - and had once been considered a friend.

“I thought you’d recognize him.” Bootstrap added, his son nodding in response. “Orders, sir?”

It didn’t take the young man long to contemplate his choice of action, which was now his duty - he was the Captain to ferry the dead or dying to the other side, and this poor pawn of the East India Trading Company was most assuredly in need of guidance. “Bring him aboard. We’ll take him to where he belongs.”

As the Captain waited for his faithful men to quickly get the one time Admiral aboard, Will’s mind wandered over his courses of action yet again. James Norrington was a noble sort, a dedicated soul of the Navy, and probably the most honorable soldier one could ever hope to encounter. But the most interesting thing he recalled about James was that he dearly loved Elizabeth, and it was for her that he died. Paying the price of a martyr, he sold his soul to the sea, but in the most degrading of fashions. This was not the death James deserved…

Bootstrap eyed his son for a moment after aiding in setting the body before the Captain, studying his expression that was clearly lost in thought. If he was conjuring the unthinkable, it wouldn’t be the first time.

“Will… this is the man I killed. You do know that, yes?” Bootstrap asked.

Again, Will nodded in affirmation and replied, “Don’t worry, Father - I have no grudge against you whatsoever, nor do I think he will once he’s breathing again.”

Pleasantly surprised, Bootstrap inquired further, “You mean to say, you’re going to call on Calypso to breathe life into him once more?”

“If she had the heart to do it for Barbossa, who was as traitorous as they come, I’m sure she has the heart to spare a martyr’s soul for a while longer.” Will said, kneeling down to examine the body a little closer, noting the proximity of the wound that claimed his life. Yes, his father had done the deed, but it was about to be undone. “Calypso, goddess of the Sea - hear my call! This man before us should not have been claimed and should be granted the chance to sail your waters again. Give him back his breath and you shall have his unprecedented devotion to the sea he loves so much.”

As if in confirmation of his brave proposal, the winds began to blow favorably into their sails, steadily pushing the Flying Dutchman farther into the horizon, when the men gathered around the once dead body began to hear another’s breathing that wasn’t exactly natural at first. It was a gasp - startled, but grateful, and when his eyes opened, they were blurred. These figures… they looked familiar, but somehow seemed more serene and concerned.

“James Norrington, welcome aboard the Flying Dutchman.” Will said to the man that was coming to, smiling comfortingly to give James the warmest reception possible on these waters.

When he heard that voice, everything seemed to fall back into place for him and he spoke under the impression that his voice would be dry, but it in fact was still as smooth as it always was, “William Turner? The blacksmith?”

Chuckling a bit, Will replied, “I’m the captain of a ship now, but you’ve got the name right.”

While adjusting to his surroundings, James prodded further, “If this is the Flying Dutchman, I am dead, am I not?”

“See for yourself.” Will suggested, gesturing to where the wound that had sealed his fate was. James did so immediately, but while the blood was still there, there was no pain from the injury. It was… gone?

“So I’m alive, then…”

“Yes, and I plan on taking you somewhere very important, if, of course, you’re willing to accept my offer.” Will advised, helping the man to his feet, James obviously needing to get his “sea legs” back again.

Though he was aggravated to hear the word “offer” just moments after he was brought back from the dead, the word “important” struck a familiar chord in his mind, advising him to inquire on the matter. “Well, if you presumably brought me back from Davy Jones’ locker, I fear I have no choice but to accept your proposal.”

“Quite the contrary,” Will said to everyone’s surprise - no captain of the Flying Dutchman had ever been this devoted to various freedoms. “You have a choice to go wherever you please without any quarrels from me or the crew, but I would humbly ask that you accept to reside where I need to take you.”

James looked to the young Captain, curiosity flecked in his dark eyes for what he could be suggesting. It could have been a number of things - he prayed to the powers of the sea that it wasn’t another act of piracy, or had anything to do with pirates for that matter. “Where is it you wish me to go?”

If Will was in possession of his heart, he would have felt it sink at this moment, almost wishing he wasn’t about to say this - but it was for her. He wanted her to be taken care of. “To where Elizabeth is… I want you to look after her in any manner you see fit.”

No doubt shocked, James refrained from taking a step back and spoke, “But… but she’s yours, I-I could never…”

“Admiral, she’s alone and I need someone to take care of her since I can’t. Please do this… for me, if not for Elizabeth.” Will nearly ordered, his tone growing more desperate and needful.

“Did Elizabeth not make her choice as to who she loved?” James said rather regrettably - those words were pure poison in his throat.

Will sighed and looked down at the deck, his crewmen dispersing quietly to allow the two men to discuss this matter privately. Elizabeth had learned many things in her time with the pirates, including that detested attribute of trickery and deceit, but she was still loyal. She was a faithful woman; fiery and passionate, and yet, if ever lonely, she deserved someone’s touch. Though he loved her, he knew at least one other man did as well.

“It’s true that Elizabeth and I are married - wed by Captain Barbossa, no less - but we are bound in that sense. However…” Will trailed off, walking towards the starboard bow as if to stare into the horizon. This was so difficult, but if he truly loved her, he would go to any lengths to ensure her safety. “…That does not mean another man can love her as much as I do. I believe that man is you, is it not?”

James swallowed and nodded slowly, as if ashamed of himself. “I should have known better than to pursue her when she was obviously infatuated with you. And for my actions before she and I parted ways, I wanted to apolo-“

“There’s no need for apologies, Admiral.” Will quickly stopped him, not wishing to hear such things at the time. It wasn’t a matter of guilt anymore, nor was it really duty. It was just… pure desire. “Then if you love her, and you showed that you did, why don’t you take my place during this ten year space in time?”

“You would… trust me? With your wife? I feel that I would be dishonoring you both.” James replied, now joining the Captain at his side. “I do love Elizabeth, but if I were to ever inflict damage upon your relationship with her, I don’t think I could ever live with myself. Even if I had ten years with her, knowing that you were in the back of her mind, it’s not a feeling any man should have when he’s holding the woman he loves more than life itself.”

A touchy subject, this was, but Will could feel his heart breaking. That peculiar emptiness in his chest was gone, but the guilt it would bring when he would be dealing with those sorts of feelings was still there - spiraling up and down constantly, never to let him be. “I will not force you, then, but imagine this for me, if you will… the nights are infectiously cold there, her bed not as warm as it should be. Some pirates mad enough still raid and pillage where they please, and I fear I cannot risk her life, even if I am the Sea now. I can ferry those impious souls to the other side, but only after they have died or are near death. I can’t protect her from them or anything else. You, on the other hand, can. Please… you’re the only one I trust.”

As a familiar heaviness sat itself upon his chest, James searched himself for words to respond with. A normal man couldn’t pass this up - to be the guardian, caretaker and lover of the woman you’ve kept on a pedestal for ten years, only to give her up for one day was an insane, however tempting bargain. But the rational man within him repeatedly said “no”, that it would not only strip him of his honor, but Elizabeth’s as well. Besides, he owed Will his life, and while Will had made this offer, he couldn’t accept it.

“Though I am greatly honored that you would ask me to do such, I’m afraid I have to ask for you to set sail for Port Royal. My duties lie in protecting the many, as well as the few,” he said solemnly, looking Will in the eye with a great deal of concentration swirling about in his unwavering gaze.

Will wasn’t as surprised as he thought he would be, because after all, he was dealing with James Norrington, here. Never make such tempting deals with a man so deeply infatuated with respect and fealty, as you will never break through such strong barriers.

“Crewman Turner,” Will spoke to his father who was standing not far off from the two men. Once he had his attention, he finished, his gaze never leaving that of the Admiral’s, “Adjust our course and make haste for Port Royal. The Navy is missing its most valuable man.”

Acknowledging the order with no delay, Bootstrap immediately began shouting commands to the other crewmembers, meanwhile James uttered heartfelt words to the man whom he owed his existence, “I am deeply sorry, but you and I both know that I could never take your place in her heart. I would be ashamed if I ever dared to think I could be the one she dreams of at night.”
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