Title: Symphony: Third Movement Series Number: 3/? Pairing: Norrington/Elizabeth Rating: R Notes: Thanks so much to my wonderful, beautiful, brilliant BETA and fellow Norribeth enthusiast niankhsekhmet!
This, I have to say, is amazing. I was wrong about the song... well, it only applied to the first part of the chapter ("Answer" by Sarah McLachlan). It's more "Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover" by Sophie B. Hawkins.
Tell your James that I'd be more than willing to help him fix his compass.
Now, in all seriousness, what I liked about your story:
The paragraph containing "remove and return" and the compass. I loved the metaphor of the compass... it fit. With the aforementioned paragraph, what I found striking about it was how well paced it was moving between all of his emotions as quickly and meaningfully as possible without being the least bit confusing.
Now, a question: What's with Hamlet? (that's not a criticism, I just notice that it appears in almost every fic of your that I've seen).
To be perfectly honest, I've no real idea. It's just so happens to be my favorite of Shakespeare's tragedies. Also, as an actor, I make up lives of characters I play, everything from their favorite memory and food to their favorite book. And for some reason, when writing a Norribeth once upon a time, I decided that they should both have a deep love for Hamlet, because it is certainly one of Shakespeare's darker plays, contrasting very well with both Elizabeth's and Norrington's personalities. So in all honesty, the only reason Hamlet makes his debut so often in my Norribeth is simply because I made up a random character history tidbit for the both of them that I like to continue with any Norribeth venue.
Eeeheehee! I just wanted to say that (yes, two years later xD) I LOVE THIS SERIES OMG! And I just found it but good lord, this is fantastic. I love this. I love your prose and the descriptions are just beautiful and the portrayals are fantastic. I love how this really feels more like something of an actual period piece. There's depth here and the Commodore is a real, live gentleman and awww!
I've been reduced to incoherence. I know this is two years later but you have to write mooooooore! -begplead-
Thanks for the lovely comment. I'm glad you enjoyed. However, I don't think that I will be continuing this series. It just lost its momentum for me, and its been too long since I began it. Regardless, I'm so happy you liked the story, and keep your eyes pealed for all the lovely new Norribeth fic that will come from myself and many fellow Norribeth shippers due to the new movie.
Comments 7
Tell your James that I'd be more than willing to help him fix his compass.
Now, in all seriousness, what I liked about your story:
The paragraph containing "remove and return" and the compass. I loved the metaphor of the compass... it fit. With the aforementioned paragraph, what I found striking about it was how well paced it was moving between all of his emotions as quickly and meaningfully as possible without being the least bit confusing.
Now, a question: What's with Hamlet? (that's not a criticism, I just notice that it appears in almost every fic of your that I've seen).
To be perfectly honest, I've no real idea. It's just so happens to be my favorite of Shakespeare's tragedies. Also, as an actor, I make up lives of characters I play, everything from their favorite memory and food to their favorite book. And for some reason, when writing a Norribeth once upon a time, I decided that they should both have a deep love for Hamlet, because it is certainly one of Shakespeare's darker plays, contrasting very well with both Elizabeth's and Norrington's personalities. So in all honesty, the only reason Hamlet makes his debut so often in my Norribeth is simply because I made up a random character history tidbit for the both of them that I like to continue with any Norribeth venue.
Brilliant, simply brilliant
(The comment has been removed)
I've been reduced to incoherence. I know this is two years later but you have to write mooooooore! -begplead-
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