Title: A Vagrant Gypsy Life
Rating: R (for sex, sexual themes, violence, strong language/swearing, adult situations)
Words: 56k (Chapter 11: 3700)
Summary: After being drummed out of the Navy in disgrace, James Norrington is a dissolute drunkard living on Tortuga. But when he is given an opportunity to set sail once more, James finds himself embroiled in an adventure that will reunite him with old acquaintances and introduce him to new friends and foes alike, and he will discover that not everything - or everyone - is what it seems.
Disclaimer: POTC and all its characters belong to Disney.
I'm not sure how many of you follow my James-centric fic "A Vagrant Gypsy Life," but for those who do, I have just posted Chapter 11 on ff.net. This chapter contains the return of Elizabeth and some love triangle angst, so there is perhaps more here to whet the Norribeth appetite. ;) Enjoy!
Chapter 11: The Mariner's Delight