Nowhere Fast Chapter 1

Jun 28, 2007 16:50

Title- Nowhere Fast
Disclaimer- I don’t own anything, Jack, Keira and every other person of a famous nature is owned by themselves

Pairing- Jack Davenport/Keira Knightley

Summary-“I’m going on a trip around the world, you wanna come?” she asked him. AU fic. For future reference Keira is 18 and Jack is 24, I shortened the age difference from 12 years to 6.

Rated- R

Chapter- 1/?

It was his routine every morning; wake up, take a quick shower, get dressed, grab a pop tart and his CD player before heading out the door to walk to work at King Books. His life was made up of schedules now, and he didn’t think he could get out of his routine for fear that he would start thinking again. Thinking was bad for Jack, because thinking led him to remembering and he was trying hard to forget the past four years of his life.

True, his life wasn’t very exciting or interesting, but he didn’t really care what people thought about his life, it’s not like they had a say in how he lived. Pulling on his headphones Jack pressed play on his CD player and turned the volume up, getting lost in the music of The Smiths as he walked to work.

“You’re late,” he heard his manager say as he walked into work. Moving his headphones until they hung around his neck, Jack looked down at his watch he said “I’m a minute and a half late,” Jack said as he looked up at Tom Hollander, manager and son of the owner of King Books. “Don’t let it happen again, my father might have made you assistant manager but I can still fire you if I feel like you’re not taking your work seriously.”

“I hate you,” Jack thought darkly. “It won’t happen again,” Jack grumbled. Tom grinned “Good, now I need you to stock a new order of books, they’re in the storage room.”

Jack begrudgingly did as he was told and began to stock the shelves full of books. He was still stocking when the first customers entered the store. “You need some help, Jack?” his friend Greg Ellis asked.

“Thanks for the offer but don’t worry about it, I’m almost done,” Jack said “You better get back to the register before Tom notices that you’ve run off somewhere.”

“Yea, you’re probably right, you on register today?” Greg asked.

“I think so, who knows with Tom, he might want me clean the bathrooms next for all I know.”

“I’m sorry mate, you know he only treats you like shit because his father likes you better than him,” Greg said.

“I know, sometimes I don’t think it’s worth all the shit he gives me just so I have my bosses approval,” Jack said as he put the last two Pride & Prejudice books on the shelf.

“Don’t worry about Tom, he’s leaving for university in a couple of months, I’m sure you can make it that long and then you’ll be manager,” Greg said, giving his friend a pat on the back.

“I’m counting the days,” Jack said with a smile. Greg chuckled before walking off to take his place back at the cash register.

The day passed slowly, until it was almost his lunch break and Jack could barely wait to get out of the store before he strangled Tom, who was constantly hanging over him, well hanging over him as best as he could seeing as how Tom was shorter than Jack. He was about to shut down his register when a beautiful young woman walked over to his counter.

“Hi,” she said with a smile.

“Um…hi,” Jack said shyly.

The woman looked at his name tag for a moment before looking back up at him. “Jack, I was wondering if you could help me find a book it’s called Seven Years In Tibet.”

“Yea, sure,” Jack said as he walked from behind the counter to where he knew the book would be. The woman followed closely behind him until they were stopped right in front of the Eastern Religions section. Jack spotted the book on the top shelf “You want the regular cover or the movie cover?” Jack asked as he held up both copies of the book.

“Hmm, as tempting as Brad Pitt is I think I’ll go with the regular copy,” she said and Jack handed her the book and putting the other copy back on the shelf.

“Thank you,” she said and Jack nodded “No problem, it’s what I’m here for.”

“My name’s Keira by the way, I don’t think it’s fair for me to know your name, but you not know mine,” she said.

“Nice to meet you Keira,” Jack said, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

“So, um, have you read this book?” Keira asked.

“No, I haven’t gotten around to it yet; I’ve seen the movie though it was pretty good, so um is that all or do you need to find another book?” Jack asked.

“No this is it, thank you,” Keira said.

“Ok, well let’s get you checked out then,” Jack said as he led her back to the check out counters.

“Hey, I know this isn’t exactly normal, but I was wondering if you’d like to go to lunch with me today,” Keira said as Jack rang up her book.

Jack almost dropped the book “Um, e-excuse me?”

“I was wondering if you’d like to have lunch with me,” Keira said nonchalantly “You seem like a sweet guy and I’d like to get to know you better.”

Jack could only stare at her in shock, and Keira cringed and looked at him apologetically “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Keira said embarrassed.

“No,” Jack said quickly “I’m sorry; I just wasn’t expecting it is all. Um…let me get my things and I’ll meet you outside alright.”

Keira smiled and nodded as he handed her, her bag. “I’ll be waiting,” Keira said as she headed for the door. Jack watched her leave “Oh God,” he groaned as he lowered his head to the counter. Having lunch with a beautiful woman was not nor had it ever been in his schedule that he had made 7 months ago, and Jack had a sneaking suspicion that his schedule was about to be ripped apart.
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