This is my response to this article "CBS responds to criticism over blurring of Adam Lambert's kiss on 'The Early Show'" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Censorship is censorship is censorship. There is NO excuse.
Legal action? For kissing? WOW. Party like it's 1950 folks.
As a straight, married, professional, adult, female PARENT I am *extremely* offended by the double standards present in today's media. Britney & Madonna = ok. Janet & Stranger = ok. Adam Lambert & Guitarist/Keyboardist Tommy Joe Ratliff = How Dare You, Cover Your Eyes?? Please. The vast majority of this planet's inhabitants have sex, enjoy sex, and watch sex. Sex sells everything from soap to diamonds to music to movies.
Adam Lambert is the best thing to happen to the entertainment industry in DECADES. He's talented, charming, articulate, and funny. Wait. I missed something. Oh yeah. Adam Lambert is beautiful and SEXY. I hear he just happens to be gay. Color me whatever shade says "WHO CARES?"
With the availability of the internet and Google, how can anyone say "I wasn't expecting this?" Idols Live Tour videos reveal Adam's crotch grabbing and microphone masturbating. Zodiac Show videos reveal skimpy costumes and simulated sex. The very lyrics to 'For Your Entertainment' reveal who Adam really is from the first words "So hot, out the box". He warned that he'd come off the ropes swinging. You just chose to ignore the warning.