Get The Fuck Out Of Muncie!!!!....NOW!!!.....

Nov 29, 2006 12:31

A coworker alerted me to this today:

This is the final joke on Muncie. More specifically, this is the final joke on Ball State students. As if it wasn't already a national pastime to razz anyone with a degree from, say it with me now, "BS"U, now they're putting that particular punching bag of America up for display.... and they're making it more ridiculous, and more dangerous.

I guess 2 1/2 years is enough to forget that a Muncie police officer, with no backup and no proper training, shot and killed an unarmed student who was simply (as most Ball State students are on the weekend) drunk and disoriented. I guess a slap on the wrist and "I'm sorry" was enough to warrant the circus that the Muncie PD will now become. I mean Jesus H. Motherfucking Christ, WHO THE FUCK decided it was a good idea to give "Ponch" and "Wee Man" the authority to carry a gun???? Sure, they're supposedly going to be limited to traffic duty, but as all former (and current) Ball Staters know, that's where they truly rape you in the ass.

This is something most Americans will laugh at and pass off as just another ridiculous ratings move by TV people. Maybe even most Muncie folks can pass it off as a joke and not be bothered by the fact that the joke is on them. I just can't do that. I can't find any humor in further degrading a police department that will shoot first and ask questions later. A department that would rather hand out unwarranted speeding and parking tickets than focus on the real crime going on around them. And there is REAL crime in Muncie, folks. Have you ever been to the southside of Muncie, Indiana? Have you been there at night? There are some destitute parts of Muncie that make the southside of Chicago look like... well, the northside of Chicago. How is Latoya Fucking Jackson going to help when students, who are just trying to give some kids a ride home from a party, are robbed, shot, and left for dead? How is Erik Fucking Estrada going to help when female students on their way to or from class are assaulted, raped, and left to fend for themselves?

I don't think I've ever felt more offended in my life. I never thought I would say this, but it's time to leave the Muncie joke behind. Spending resources and time by making a spectacle out of the Muncie PD is not only making Muncie even more of a punchline, it's making it an extremely unsafe punchline. Get out now, while you still can.
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