Apr 27, 2005 22:16
SO I will skip my school day part because nothing really important happens and with gay people doing gay stuff...well school=gay. Teachers must be like porno stars than...hm... anyways.
I went to Wal-Mart today, for two days in a row. TOday I was looking for someone a b-day present and myself some new cd's. I bought the Damien Rice CD. Yes, I nkow I have 2 of them but they are burnt and I want to support him, so I bought it. I also got the Blue Merle cd. IT is so good and relaxing. I think I may actually use one of their lyrics in my senior diary too. Speaking of which, god I want to burn that thing. Isn't it funny how much people change. I mean not only physically but like socially. It is weird! Anyways, that was about it. I went by Baker's music again, for the 2nd day in a row, and the guitar tech their wants me to work part-time with him this summer so I can pick up on working on guitars, amps, and sound systems. It would be great and possibly be a way for me to earn some $$ at Auburn. Oh, I forgot, I got to customize a new laptop for college. That is my graduation present from my family. Let's just say it should rock, not justbecause I made it, but because it was really FREAKING exspensive. I mean like 3 times the amount of my first vehicle! Yeah, but it should be top of the line for a while...hopefully!
Oh well, I am off to finish my APril entry for this gay piece of crap called a senior diary!