There's a mess of dirty blonde- no, not dirty. It's matted, entangling and untangling itself across the sheets, but it's not dirty. 'Dirty' would imply it's filthy, that it's grungy and unwashed, and someone would have to disagree with a statement like that. So, there's a mess of blonde hair, not quite dirty, never disgusting, connected to the body of someone who's given it all for something not quite so easily gained.
And then there's the platinum blonde- platinum? It's not as if it could be aluminum, iron, or even steel blonde. It's five shades and a Ph away from 'tin can blonde', and a it takes a whole different type of science to see the difference. Rocket science? Not quite, more of just chemistry between the two, with genetic references to those German blue eyes and the clashing difference between them and and the sharp gold.
But comparing and contrasting such trivial details seems pointless, when both eyes close and the only thing that seems to matter is lips touching lips and a total disregard of the important things they won't think of until long afterward.