Picspam - Favourite House Episodes

Jul 07, 2010 02:22

OMG, NETHERLANDS IN THE FINALE OF THE WORLD CUP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 32 YEARS! HURRAY! XD I'm so excited, I can't sleep, so I just finished my first picspam =P.

Spoilers for all seasons.

My 32 favourite House-episodes. Why 32? Because 30 was not enough and 40 too much. I based my choice mostly on the question: 'Which episodes will never bore me?' There's no specific order, just the order of the airdate. Warning: lots of Huddy <3.

1x01 - Pilot

Why: It's the moment I fell in love with the series <3.

House: 'You see that? They all assume I'm a patient because of this cane.'
Wilson: 'Then why don't you put on a white coat like the rest of us?'
House: 'I don't want them to think I'm a doctor.'

Cuddy: 'I was expecting you in my office twenty minutes ago.'
House: 'Really? Well, that's odd, because I had no intention of being in your office twenty minutes ago. It's five o'clock. I'm going home.'
Cuddy: 'To what?'
House: *sarcastically* 'Nice.'

1x21 - Three Stories

Why: We finally find out more about House's past, plus I love the story he told <3.

House: 'I'm not doing it. *Walks out of Dr. Cuddy's office, pauses, turns around and comes back in* You're supposed to stop me, renegotiate.'
Cuddy: 'Hm. And you were supposed to keep on walking. Sorry, I guess we both screwed up. Go on, do it again.'

2x10 - Failure to communicate

Why: I really loved Stacy. I still hope she'll come back someday, but that will never happen, I guess. Seeing House act as a human being was nice too and I liked the case of the guy who couldn't communicate in a normal way and was constantly talking about bears.

Stacy: 'Our relationship is like an addiction. It's... like...'
House: 'Really good drugs?'
Stacy: 'No, it's like... vindaloo curry.'
House: 'Okay, sure...'
Stacy: 'Really, really hot Indian curry they make with red chili peppers.'
House: I know what it is! Didn't think it was addictive.'
Stacy: 'You're abrasive and annoying and come on way too strong, like... vindaloo curry. When you're crazy about curry, that's fine, but, no matter how much you love curry, you have too much of it, it takes the roof of your mouth off. And then you never want to see curry for a really, really long time, but you wake up one day, and you think... God, I really miss curry.'

2x11 - Need to know

Why: Wilson acting as a counseler. Wilson is such a good friend. He talked to House about Stacy, and he told Stacy that she had to make up her mind. For which she went to Cuddy, who could only say: 'What happened in Baltimore? God, Stacy.' The ending was sad, with House saying that Stacy should go back to Mark, but I think it was the right thing to do. (God, I'm already rambling, and we're only in season 2).

Cuddy: 'He's actually... on time.'
Wilson: 'He's six minutes early!'
Cuddy: 'Something happened.'
Wilson: 'I'm on it.'
House: 'Morning, Jimmy! Anybody die while I was gone?'
Wilson: 'Did... Did you iron your shirt?'
House: 'I thought about shaving, but I couldn't find a razor.'
Wilson: 'What the hell happened in Baltimore?!'
House: 'Sorry. Never kiss and tell.'
Wilson: 'I think you just did.'

2x17 - All in

Why: The Poker game was really great, with all the talk about chickens on piccadilly square, cardio meds and all that stuff. I loved how competitive Cuddy was and her 'What the hell' look when House and Wilson were talking in code. Plus, the kid, Ian, was really cute.

House: 'Keep your answers short and discreet. Is Cuddy still playing?'
Wilson: 'The still in Piccadilly Square.'
House: 'Brilliant. She'll never suspect that Normandy is our target.'

2x20 - Euphoria (part I + II)

Why: I still don't understand why they had 2 season finales in one season: the actual finale, plus Euphoria. I loved it because House shot a dead body and it was really well written. Foreman is mostly just boring, but in this episode, we saw him showing emotions. I liked it. Except for the part where he tried to inject Cameron with the virus. That was kind of mean (yeah, really =P), though Cameron was being naive, so I didn't mind that much.

Guy: 'Did anyone just hear a-?'
House: 'I shot him! He's dead!'

Cameron: 'You son of a bitch!'

2x23 - Who's your daddy?

Why: Cuddy asking House for help by picking out her spermdonor ('Go find sperm that can kicks 613's kids ass'). Is it me, or is that just weird? I loved that interview with the Mozartguy and Cuddy's face realizing that that idiot was 613. And look at her smile in the picspam <3.

Cuddy: 'I'm pretty sure you've got that.'
House: 'Microbes can be sneaky.'

2x24 - No reason

Why: Really weird episode, but I like that. I was totally confused: is this a hallucination, or isn't it? Plus Wilson and Chase were doing House's rehabilitation and 'Whipped cweam' guy was funny, with all the exploding body parts.

Moriarty: 'Which one of you is Dr. House?'
House: 'Skinny brunette.'
Moriarty: 'That's Dr. Cameron.'
House: 'I'm skinny. How'd you know who she was?'
Moriarty: 'I'm an old patient of yours.'
House: 'Oh, well, leave the chocolates downstairs.'
Moriarty: *shoots House*
Moriarty: 'Shocking, isn't it? Who'd wanna hurt you? '

3x11 - Words and Deeds

Why: Cuddy lying for House and the end of Tritter. I really hated that guy and I was glad he got tired of trying getting House convicted. He didn't really succeed, except for the one night House had to spend in jail.

3x15 - Half Wit

Why: I cried during this episode. Not because House was faking that he was dying, since I knew House couldn't die, because there were already a season 4 and a season 5 of House when I watched it. No, I cried, because Chase cried. Plus I liked Hamerons kiss. I've never been a Hameron: Cameron was annoying the first two seasons, with her crush on House (and then she got annoying when she was with Chase), but I liked the kiss. Though I was a little disappointed that House and Cuddy only got to hug. Plus there was a lot of music in this episode. I love it when House/Hugh gets to play the piano <3.

House: 'What are you doing?'
House: 'I know this must be a turn-on for you.'
Cameron: *tries to stab House with a syringe while kissing House*
House: *notices* 'Little whorish to kiss and stab.'
Cameron: 'You kissed back.'
House: 'I didn't want you to die without knowing the feeling. Actually, no woman should die without knowing the feeling. If you need a sperm sample, come back without the needle.'

Cuddy: 'I'm so sorry.'
House: 'Forgot I was dying, huh?'
Cuddy: 'I'm here if you need me.'
House: 'I need you.'
House: 'One small feel for man... one giant ass for mankind.'
Cuddy: 'Thanks. Good luck in Boston.'
Cuddy: *turns and heads back to her bedroom*
House: *starts to follow her*
Cuddy: 'Call the Make-a-Wish Foundation.'

3x17 - Fetal Position

Why: Not a very special reason... I just liked the patient, how she made House human by taking a picture of him and how she saw that Chase really loved Cameron.

Cuddy: 'You want to paralyze Emma Sloan's baby?'
House: 'Lemme guess...Cameron.'
Cuddy: 'Cameron and Chase both had their concerns.'
House: 'No, Cameron had concerns. Chase just agreed with her because he didn't want to lose his all-access pass to her love rug.'
Cuddy: 'They're sleeping together?'
House: 'If by sleeping together you mean having sex in the janitor's closet...'
Cuddy: 'Here?'
House: 'No, the janitor's closet at the local high school. Go Tigercats! Do you have one of those camera phones? 'Cause I got a MySpace account.'
Cuddy: 'I will deal with them after I deal with you.'
House: 'Oh c'mon... let's gossip some more. I'm sure she's into bondage.'

3x18 - Airborne

Why: I love episodes on an airplane (the Bones' one was pretty great too). House's three assistants ('That's permanent marker, you know.'), Cuddy being hysterical, House sniffing Cuddy, pregnant girl, and the patient. I think it's great that they still come up with original things. I wouldn't have thought of a guy who went diving the other day and then got up too fast by getting on a plane.

Cuddy: 'You're creeping me out.'
House: 'I need to get a better look at your rash.'
Cuddy: 'Use your imagination.'
House: 'Fine. Do you want me to go with lifeguard-Cuddy or mother-superior-Cuddy?'

3x19 - Act Your Age

Why: This quote. Plus the boy hitting on Cameron, stealing flowers for her, grabbing her ass and attacking Chase =D.

Cuddy: 'I don't get the whole May/December thing.'
House: 'Give them a break. It's May/October at worst.'
Cuddy: 'Well, why can't it be October/October?'
House: 'Cause May is when things start to get hot.'
Cuddy: 'If that guy wasn't trying so hard to keep up with a woman half his age, he wouldn't have almost killed both his kids.'
House: 'Guy gets a little something-something, couple of kids had to die... Circle of life.'
Cuddy: 'So many people ... so much energy and drama just trying to find someone who's almost never the right person, anyway. It just shouldn't be so hard.'
House:  'I... got tickets to a play.'

4x05 - Mirror, Mirror

Why: This scene. Cuddy trying to save her face by saying that she thinks she has got great boobs, and House's victory dance.

Cuddy: 'Hi, I'm the Dean of Medicine.'
House: 'Hi, I'm the guy who saved your life.'
Cuddy: 'I can fire him. I can fire him now. I can fire him tomorrow. I don't even need -'
House: 'She doesn't fire me. She never WILL fire me. She needs me -'
Cuddy: 'He's a good doctor, that's all. I respect his expertise and I -'
House: 'She's hot for me.'
Patient: 'Shut up.'
Cuddy: 'Well, that could have been either of us.'
Patient: 'You have great ya-boos.'
Cuddy: 'Still could have been either of us.'
House: 'You lose' *victory dance*

4x07 - Ugly

Why: I love you everybody started to act different when the camera's showed up, except for House of course. Loved the scene where House and Cuddy watch the documentary, in which they somehow made House nice. ('I care about your son.')

Director: 'Before you worked in the ER you worked for House, right?'
Cameron: 'Three and a half years.'
Director: 'Why did you leave?'
ER Patient: 'Hey, I - I don't want to be on TV. I'm not signing a release.'
Director: 'We'll blur you out.'
Cameron: [to the patient] 'Take off your pants.'
ER Patient: 'Will you be able to use any of this if I start swearing?'
Director: 'Did House treat you as badly as he treats his current fellows?'
Cameron: 'Loaded question.'
Cameron: 'I learned how to be a doctor from House. Or, at least a doctor who learned to be a doctor from House, if that makes any sense.'
Director: 'And you left his team because... you couldn't stand him anymore?'
Cameron: 'No, no, I - I love Dr. House.'
Director: 'Now that's something we haven't heard.'
Cameron: 'I mean, [slight pause] what did you ask me, again?'
Director: 'Why you left.'
Cameron: 'I - I loved being... around him. Professionally, you know he was always... stimulating - not in the erotic sense of the word!'
ER Patient: 'Fork. They forked. And then they spooned.'

4x11 - Frozen

Why: I didn't like Amber very much as employee, but I loved her as Wilson's girlfriend. I was so sad she died, so I was glad she came back in season 5, although as a hallucination. House's complaining about not getting cable, but having the North Pole on high-def, was funny and I thought the guy who was in love with the patient was really brave, by drilling a hole in her skull, even though he was terrified. If that isn't true love, what is? <3.

House: 'Cutthroat bitch?!'
Wilson: 'Well, I just call her Amber.'

4x13 - No More Mr. Nice Guy

Why: OMG! House's performance preview of Cuddy. SO AWESOME. It's not very nice, but actually, he's right.

Cuddy: 'Your treatment of patients is non-existent. You're not a doctor, you're an administrator. Your management of employees is, well, [the nurses are] outside carrying signs.'

House: 'You act like employees should fear and respect you, but your eyes tell us - actually, your eyes tell us nothing, because we're looking at your boobs - which tell us that you're desperate to have someone jump on you and tell you they love you one grunted syllable at a time. What you want, you run away from. What you need, you don't have a clue. What you've accomplished, makes you proud. But you're still miserable.'

4x15 - House's Head

Why: House's obsession with the symptom he did or did not see: trying hypnosis, going in 'Rambo-style', trying anything to solve the riddle. Plus Cuddy's striptease and Cuddy being mad at House for having a heart attack.

4x16 - Wilson's Heart

Why: I don't know exactly. I liked Amber and they killed her, and Wilson, who I really love, got hurt. But season finales of House, even if there's a lot of crappy stuff happening, are always very good episodes. Other thing: Amber and House talking on the bus and Amber telling him that he should go, even though he's really concerned that Wilson will be angry.

5x04 - Birthmarks

Why: I love roadtrips. House's happiness when he discovered that Wilson abducted him was ♥. Plus all the things that House does to avoid getting to his father's funeral/annoy Wilson: throwing Wilson's keys away, making them end up at the police station ('Lost track of your speed? I think that was Hitler's excuse: 'Lost track of the Jews'.) and pushing Wilson so far that he finally gets angry.

House: 'My mom didn't call Cuddy, she called you! I knew you couldn't stay away. I knew you loved me too much.'
Wilson: 'I'm doing this for your mom.'
House: 'I'm not doing this at all. Join me on the dark side!'

5x05 - Lucky Thirteen

Why: I'm really shallow and I liked Thirteen being a slutty partygirl. That's it =D. Oh, and House being really happy about Wilson's return. So happy that he plays a practical joke on him =P.

House: 'You're fired.'
Thirteen: 'What? You just defended me!'
House:' No, I just prevented you from taking a drug test. Probably saved your career. I'm already responsible for one doctor with a drug habit.'
Thirteen: 'I don't have a drug habit!'
House: 'The slutty party girl is fun till she pukes on your shoes. Then she's just a pain in the ass.'

5x06 - Joy

Why: Cuddy leaning so far on House that her tongue actually slips into his mouth.

Cuddy: 'It's really not the greatest time for gloating.'
House: 'There's more than one baby in the sea. The world is full of teenaged boys riding bareback.'
Cuddy: 'No, I'm done. I can't go through that again.'
House: 'You're quitting, just like you quit IVF.'
Cuddy: 'Yeah, just like that.'
House: 'There, you just said it again. That's too bad. You would have made a great mother.'
Cuddy: 'You son of a bitch. When I'm getting a baby, you told me I would suck as a mother. Now when I lose it, you tell me I'd be great as a mother. 'Why do you do that?! Why do you NEED to negate EVERYTHING!?'
House: 'I don't know.'

5x07 - The Itch

Why: The day after, Cuddy worried, House wondering what the kiss meant, advice from Wilson. And House standing outside Cuddy's house but unable to ring the bell. So. Frustrating.

Thirteen: 'What did Cuddy want?'
House: 'I kind of hit that last night so now she's all on my jock.'
Thirteen: 'Wow, she looks pretty good for someone on roofies.'

5x09 - Last Resort

Why: Although it's a dramatic episode, with the hostage and stuff, I thought it was very wel written. In Grey's Anatomy, at least 10 people would have been killed, but here, nobody dies. Thirteen almost dies, and in the beginning, she doesn't care, but then she realizes she wants to live, hurray. Downside is that she gets closer to Foreman, through the trial, and Foreteen has never been a favorite ship of mine.

Thirteen: 'I don't wanna die!' (or something in that area =P)

5x19 - Locked In

Why: I loved the patient's point of view on everything: being paralyzed, Taub whining, Huddy, his wife and kids and that really crappy doctor who wanted to make him an organ donor. He had such a nice voice and there was sarcasm in it <3.

Patient: 'I'm paralyzed and she's worried about his boo-boo?'

5x22 - House Divided

Why: Loved the patient and I loved House with his radio. I thought House planning the bachelor party was really great. First setting a corpse on fire and then invading Wilson's home, who gets really drunk and tries to walk home from his own appartment without his pants. Poor Wilson.

♪Fight the power♪

5x24 - Both sides now

Why: Same as HH/WH in season 4. It is soooo sad when he realizes the night before was a hallucination, but very well written and something really crappy had to happen so that House would go into rehab. And I really like Cuddy's haircut, though I don't know if that's a good enough reason to like an episode, lol.

Amber: So, this is the story you made up about who you are. It's a nice one.
Kutner: Too bad it isn't true.
Cuddy: 'House, are you ok?'
House: 'No, I'm not ok.'

6x07 - Known Unknowns

Why: Though I hated Cuddy in this episode for dating Lucas (Like, seriously, did she hit her head?), I loved that there was a roadtrip, and I liked the '80's night, with the conversation about Huddy's shared past. And I really loved it that House was worried about the effect that Wilson's lecture could have, so that he drugged Wilson, stole his pants and gave the lecture himself. True friendship <3.

House: 'Remember the last time we danced? Med school, the week we met.'
Cuddy: 'No.'
House: 'I saw you.'
Cuddy: 'I meant, we met before that. In the bookstore.'
House: 'Ah.'
Cuddy: 'My third day of school, I hand my syllabus to the guy behind the counter. He barely looks at me, he tells me I'm overly ambitious, I have a chip on my shoulder and I know how to party.' *laughs*
House: 'I'd forgotton you knew how to party.'

6x10 - Wilson

Why: Wilson =D. And House/Wilson = ♥.

House: 'If you die, I'm all alone.'

6x11 - The Down Low

Why: I had so much fun during this episode. Nora being a supportive fangirl of House/Wilson and Wilson's desperate attempts to make it clear they're not a couple. With in the end, the proposal and the 'I LOVE THIS MAN' <3.

6x14 - 5 to 9

Why: Cuddy. Cuddy being awesome. Cuddy negotiating. Cuddy being desperate. Plus House is being supportive, and really proud of her when she gets her 12%.

6x21 - Help Me

Why: Are you kidding me? I've been shipping House/Cuddy since I saw the very first episode. Which is only a year ago, btw. House deserves happiness after all he's been through (curious if David Shore knows that word). I almost killed Cuddy when she told House she was engaged to Lucas (again: seriously?), but she came to her senses just in time to save House by telling him she loves him. Awwww <3.

House: 'You're going to leap across the room and grab them out of my hand?'
Cuddy: 'No. It's your choice of you wanna go back on drugs.'
House: 'Ok. Just so you know, I'm finding it hard to see the downside.'
Cuddy: 'You need to re-bandage your shoulder.'
House: 'Is that why you're here? Foreman sent you?'
Cuddy: 'No.'
House: 'You're here to yell at me again?'
Cuddy: 'No.'
House: 'Well, I'm running out of ideas.'
Cuddy: 'Lucas...'
House: 'Oh, great, you're feeling uncomfortable again. Probably means you just got back from some quickie in Vegas, or you're already pregnant.'
Cuddy: 'I ended it.'
House: 'What?'
Cuddy: 'I'm stuck, House. *sighs* I keep wanting to move forward, I keep wanting to move on, and I can't. I mean, my new house, my new fiancé, and all I can think about is you. I just need to know if you and I can work.'
House: 'You think I can fix myself?'
Cuddy: 'I don't know.'
House: ''Cause I'm the most screwed up person in the world.'
Cuddy: 'I know. I love you. I wish I didn't, but I can't help it.
*they kiss*
House: 'How do I know I'm not hallucinating?'
Cuddy: 'Did you take the Vicodin?'
House: 'No.'
Cuddy: 'Then I think we're ok.'
House: 'Yeah.'

picspam, tv: house

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