Dec 20, 2003 21:40
A chance to be merry and spread cheer? Banish the thought.
Gorlim: *pokes Noro* Hey. You.
Norolinde: ::scowls at him:: Hey yourself.
Gorlim: The kids want us to be together for Erumas. A sort of.... family thing.
Norolinde: Mmm.
Norolinde: That's nice. And?
Gorlim: *sighs* Look. I'm willing to try to be civil to you for one evening if you'll do the same. For them.
Norolinde: ::tilts her head:: What are you getting them?
Gorlim: Well... Ulalume said she'd asked you for a sketchbook so I was going to find her some drawing pencils. Perrin... was the one who wanted us to be together as a family. I don't know about him.
Norolinde: I was going to get him books. Harder ones. He's gotten tired of Spot.
Gorlim: Good plan...
Norolinde: Is he more of a dreamer, would you say?
Gorlim: I would indeed say.
Norolinde: Perhaps a journal, then, as well. What do you want?
Gorlim: Oh, you don't have to get me anything.
Norolinde: It's Erumas with the family. It'll look suspicious if I don't get you something.
Gorlim: Right. It doesn't matter, then.
Norolinde: I get to be creative? Ooh, yay.
Gorlim: *rolls his eyes*
Norolinde: ::smiles cheerfully at him:: I'll come up with something decent, I promise. Nothing to embarrass you.
Gorlim: Right. Well, then. I should go...
Norolinde: If you must. Have a nice night. I'll see you on Erumas, if not sooner.
Gorlim: *nods and scoots off*