Ten Ways To Say Goodbye

Aug 27, 2010 22:56

Warning : depressing mood, spoilers up to the end of the series.
Obnubilation means clouded consciousness.

#62 Inevitable (Wapourif) - Chain Reaction

He couldn’t escape Dominura’s request anymore. He knew that sooner or later, he would have to dismantle a Simoun, and the very idea was torturing him.

Wapourif caressed respectfully the front bodywork of the Simoun near him. He was the only thing he allowed himself to do, outside from the standard repairs.

He shouldn’t touch a Simoun. He shouldn’t touch a sybilla.

But that night he still felt the burning memory of Morinas’ lips on his own. He was already an outlaw, forsaken by Tempus Spatium.

The rules are broken. I can’t run away anymore.

#93 Regret (Morinas/Wapourif) - True Love, Wrong Move

Wapourif was standing at her bed’s side. Her mind was full with questions - why are you here, what happened, what do you look so sad ? - but she didn’t find the will to ask them.

She didn’t see him move, only felt suddenly his lips on her own. It was a soft caress, but she was overwhelmed by it.

He pulled back ; she was about to say something when she felt hot tears falling down her chin. Her voice caught in her throat, she could only watch him walk away.

Why did it have to happen this way ?

#69 Echo (Aaeru) - Obnubilation

‘AA - E - RU !’

It was a simple word, but it was louder than the explosion and the sybillae’s cries. It was so loud that for a moment she couldn’t hear anything else, three syllabes resonating endlessly.

She could feel Rimone’s presence, hear Floe’s trembling voice. But the only thing she could pay attention to was this word.

‘Higher form of love - God’s love.’

What does that even mean ?

She remained prostrated until Neviril said her name, her name and not some Plumbum noun. Until she could look her in the eyes, finding the courage to stand up.

#39 Sound (Rimone) - Song of a Long Forgotten Time

It was a mere whisper, in a cold forgotten room. A whisper who could be heard faintly, over the roaring noise of the rain outside.

Now that she was closer, she could hear the strange words, which sounds foreign even though she could perfectly understand them. The song was slow, disjointed, and she had to come even closer to hear it correctly.

But it found its echo in her head, mirroring a song once played by a little music box hidden in a watch.

‘The door to another world.’

The song didn’t need a name. She already knew it.

#59 Morality (Neviril and Mamiina) - Right

Neviril wondered how she could have become so quickly a warrior. She became a priestess by choice, and if it wasn’t for the war, and the memory of Amuria, she wouldn’t even be here anymore. She chose to stay, to fight with her friends.

Is it really the right path to follow ?

She thought about Mamiina, so eager to fight. She couldn’t understand her motives, but she knew that she could never have been a sybilla without the war. How could she be so sure of herself ?

Because she’s certain what she’s doing is right.

#64 Nobility (Rodoreamon/Mamiina) - Reaching For You

Do you ever wondered why you couldn’t reach someone ? It’s not as if you couldn’t reach them physically - I can touch her, even if I don’t dare to. It’s more like a mental barrier, preventing you to really talk to this person. I can speak, but my words won’t find her.

I didn’t see it coming, though it should have been obvious, isn’t it ? And now she doesn’t even call me by my nickname like she did before.

But she’s the one building walls. And all walls can be broken.

#24 Witch (Onashia) - The Witch

Onashia watched the four young persons leaving the Spring without looking back. They didn’t dare to speak aloud, but she could tell their minds were already outside, outside from this beautiful but too solemn cave.

Three of them would become male, one female. They knew it already, and she had felt their impatience. And not so well hidden, a deep fear.

They didn’t fear to choose a gender. They feared her.

She knew it was the price to pay for her power. She was respected by the priestess and by the politicians. But she would never be loved.

#46 Brain (Mamiina) - No-brainer

She couldn’t believe it. Plumbum soldiers were attacking their village, destroying everything on their path, and they still refused to fight.

Her hands turned into fists when she heard them explaining their refusal by their role as priestess. Their role, she thought, was to protect the weak when they were still alive, not to wait for their death and pray when it’s too late !

The Dux turned to the cadets, searching a volunteer. She didn’t hesitate, oblivious to the cries of surprise.

There wasn’t any other possibility, it was the only way. And it felt right.

#47 Sky (Rimone/Dominura) - Pair

‘But if you don’t want to fly anymore, then I won’t either. Because I’m your pair.’

Rimone didn’t even let her some time to find an answer. Dominura looked at the door, focusing her thoughts on her lover.

She sat up, then slowly stood up. The room was spinning a little, but nothing like that would stop her.

She had to remind Rimone that they were born to fly. They needed it, but more importantly they needed to be together, high in the sky, drawing the Ri Maajon for each other.

Rimone was waiting for her.

#19 Empty (Yun) - Home Is Where The Soul Is

Yun glared at her nest. It was nicely made, and she knew it. The branches had been neatly chosen, they were roughly all the same size and the same color. The nest itself had been carefully built.

Still something was obviously wrong. She could felt it but couldn’t tell what was going on, and it was really frustrating her.

It was only when Onashia gave her Mamiina’s braid that she understood her feelings. Because this nest was a home for the dead warriors, she said it herself.

Now, it was complete. The nest was sheltering Mamiina’s soul.

het, drabble, yuri, fanfic, simoun

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