(no subject)

Sep 29, 2009 00:41

Shit should I say something or should I say something????

It's been a while and I'm more or less the same I've have ever been...except for one thing...

I have become more or less a LURKER in LJ. I mean rly....
I almost never comment unless it's on  a fic I rly rly like and even those dont come too often (thank you Supernatural fandom for raising my expectations soo high rly.....)

And you guys know what?
I MISS TALKING TO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like all the silly banter and random talks over comments about everything from how 'hawt' someone is to 'why oh why did he but on shorts and high socks on??'  ( -->AJ I'm still looking at you....) and all of those serious talks you sometimes have cuz it's easier to talk to ppl about stuff that when they are 1000000 miles away

I miss talking to new ppl all over the world! Ppl that are actually nice and not saying "eff you cow" to me, like Jamie is doing at this very second over MSN. Jamie is a douche. Just kidding, I love you girl and I cant believe it's not more than a year since we started talking here.

I got a new fandom. Maybe that's new? KRADAM!
It's so obvious it makes my heart break cuz of the awesomeness.
Dont ask me to chose between Kris or Adam though! I wont do it!
And damn but I need a friend in this fandom, it's kinda overwhelming and just a tiny bit intimidating.....


And just because it's my favorite picture of Kradam even if they are not all lovey-dovy

That Rolling Stones photographer KILLS me


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